Well, I've been editing my script lately and recieved lots of help from you, now i need it again=/
Here you see my Whois in my theme.

alias winter.whois {
  %:echo 02((12 /whois start 02))
  %:echo $+(02 —› 1,%::nick, 12is ",%::realname,12") 02(12 $+ %::address $+ 02)
  if (quakenet isin $server) && (%::winterwhois.auth) { %:echo $+(11 —› ,%::nick, 12is authed as 12",$ifmatch,12") }
  if (%::operline) { %:echo $+(11 —› ,%::nick, 12,is) an IRC Operator }
  if (%::chan) {
    var %m,%c = $regsub(%::chan,/(^-| -)/g,$chr(32),%m),%i = $numtok(%m,32),%o,%h,%v,%r
    while (%i) {
      var %t = $gettok(%m,%i,32),%p = $left(%t,1),%l = $right(%t,-1),%g = $+($iif($me ison %l,),%l,)
      if (%p == @) { %o = $addtok(%o,%g,32) }
      elseif (%p == %) { %h = $addtok(%h,%g,32) }
      elseif (%p == +) { %v = $addtok(%v,%g,32) }
      else { %r = $addtok(%r,$+($iif($me ison %t,),%t,),32) }
      dec %i
    if (%o) { %:echo 11 —› $+(,%::nick,) 12opped in %o }
    if (%h) { %:echo 11 —› $+(,%::nick,) 12halfopped in %h }
    if (%v) { %:echo 11 —› $+(,%::nick,) 12voiced in %v }
    if (%r) { %:echo 11 —› $+(,%::nick,) 12reg in %r }
  if (%::wserver) { %:echo 11 —› $+(,%::nick,) 12using %::wserver 02(12 $+ %::serverinfo $+ 02) }
  if (%::away) { %:echo 11 —› $+(,%::nick,) 12is away: %::away }
  if (%::idletime) {
    %:echo 11 —› $+(,%::nick,) 12has been idle for $duration(%::idletime)
    %:echo 11 —› $+(,%::nick,) 12signed on $duration($calc($ctime - $ctime(%::signontime))) ago
  %:echo 02((12 /whois end 02))
  unset %::winterwhois.auth

As you see it will become something like this

(10:26:31) (( /whois start ))
(10:26:31) —› tbuk|Eendje is "eendje" (~eendje@property.of.only4clans.com)
(10:26:31) —› tbuk|Eendje opped in #nbnclan #wfh.dev #nbnclan.tact #tbuk #tbuk.ut2k3 #I.have.no.rl.cuz.i'm.one.of.the.lost.souls.of.IRC #tbuk.cs #tbuk.bhd #tbuk.to #tbuk.bf1942 #tbukfight
(10:26:31) —› tbuk|Eendje voiced in #wfh.ut2k3 #deadly #united.2k3 #xq.2k3 #clanion #[FEB] #FEB-Recruiting
(10:26:31) —› tbuk|Eendje reg in #un1ty
(10:26:31) —› tbuk|Eendje using splatterworld3.de.quakenet.org (SplatterWorlds QuakeNet Server)
(10:26:31) —› tbuk|Eendje has been idle for 10mins 32secs
(10:26:31) —› tbuk|Eendje signed on 2days 17hrs 8mins 26secs ago
(10:26:31) (( /whois end ))

But I want underneath the

(10:26:31) —› tbuk|Eendje is "eendje" (~eendje@property.of.only4clans.com)


I wanne see his AUTH nick (quakenet if it matters).
I already looked up somethings but all didn't work, so please if you could help me on this one.

The next thing is some script I made myself.
But when I want to add a line it takes me more time then i want.

Here you see the full code

on 1:load: {
  echo -a 4 Loaded Power Script V1.0
menu channel,menubar {
  ..Show to selected channel://echo $power5 | /say $power5
  ..Show to all Channels://echo $power5 | /amsg $power5
  .Cripts And Souls
  ..Show to selected Channel://echo $power2 | /say $power2     
  ..Show to all Channels://echo $power2 | /amsg $power2 
  .Whore Houses
  ..Show to selected Channel://echo $power3 | /say $power3    
  ..Show to all Channels://echo $power3 | /amsg $power3
  ..Show to selected channel://echo $power4 | /say $power4
  ..Show to all channels://echo $power4 | /amsg $power4 
  ..Show to selected channel://echo $power6 | /say $power6
  ..Show to all channels://echo $power6 | /say $power6
  .advertise:amsg I am using Power Script V1.0
menu channel,menubar,query {
  Power Script Advertisment:amsg I am using Power Script V1.0

alias power2 {
  var %i = 1,%j,%k,%l 
  while ($chan(%i)) {
    if ($me isop $chan(%i)) {
      set %k $calc(%k + $nick($chan(%i),0)) 
      inc %j 
    set %l $calc(%l + $nick($chan(%i),0)) 
    inc %i 
  return I rule %j damned crypts (of $chan(0) $+ ) and possess %k cursed souls
  (of %l $+ ).

alias power3 {
  var %i = 1,%j,%k,%l 
  while ($chan(%i)) {
    if ($me isop $chan(%i)) {
      set %k $calc(%k + $nick($chan(%i),0)) 
      inc %j 
    set %l $calc(%l + $nick($chan(%i),0)) 
    inc %i 
  return I own %j Nasty Whore Houses (of $chan(0) $+ ) and possess %k ladys of the night
  (of %l $+ ).

alias power4 {
  var %i = 1,%j,%k,%l 
  while ($chan(%i)) {
    if ($me isop $chan(%i)) {
      set %k $calc(%k + $nick($chan(%i),0)) 
      inc %j 
    set %l $calc(%l + $nick($chan(%i),0)) 
    inc %i 
  return I own %k coconuts from %j trees of $chan(0) $+ ! Islands
  ( of %l $+ ).

alias power5 {
  var %i = 1,%j,%k,%l 
  while ($chan(%i)) {
    if ($me isop $chan(%i)) {
      set %k $calc(%k + $nick($chan(%i),0)) 
      inc %j 
    set %l $calc(%l + $nick($chan(%i),0)) 
    inc %i 
  return I'm opped in  %j channels (of $chan(0)  $+ ) Which provides me whith the power above %k people
  ( of %l $+ ).

alias power6 {
  var %i = 1,%j,%k,%l 
  while ($chan(%i)) {
    if ($me isop $chan(%i)) {
      set %k $calc(%k + $nick($chan(%i),0)) 
      inc %j 
    set %l $calc(%l + $nick($chan(%i),0)) 
    inc %i 
  return %j Channels really seem to like me because I'm opped there, Which causes me to be friends with %k people 
  ( of %l $+ ).

As you see it's rather big. So i was wondering if it can be made any smaller:).
And as you see there are only 5 ways to show your 'power' So if you know more of 'em. Please tell them:)

Also I made a little script when someone says ur name, or your nick, You will be noticed in the channel your looking at at that moment

on *:TEXT:*tbuk|Eendje*:#:{ echo 7 -a [ $asctime(hh:nn:ss) ] [ Call ] You've been called by $nick in $chan }
on *:TEXT:*Eendje*:#:{ echo 7 -a [ $asctime(hh:nn:ss) ] [ Call ] You've been called by $nick in $chan }
on *:TEXT:*eendje*:#:{ echo 7 -a [ $asctime(hh:nn:ss) ] [ Call ] You've been called by $nick in $chan }

I will be 'called' when someone says 'eendje' 'Eendje' and 'tbuk|eendje'.

Now I wanne make it an addon, So i want when someone types (e.g.) '/load -rs call.mrc' There will be a popup, With the text 'Please enter your nick or nickname'
Then a line to enter your nick

on *:load:{
  set %nick $input(Please enter your nick or nickname)

But as you saw I used 3 nicks.
Can I add that to it?
By e.g. asking it 3 times, or make it possible for the one who loads it to enter multiple nicks..
If that's possible, please help me scripting it:).
Ohw and my english sucks. So if you know a better line for 'Please enter your nick or nickname' Please tell me.

Thanks for your interested and even more thanks when you help me:)
Don't mind my english.

You can reply here. Or if you want you can send me an e-mail (which I prefer) to netnietniks@hotmail.com


signatures own