How to get feedback if someone pings you in irc. Like ping <username> i cant find any solution. if someone pings me i dont get any visual feedback. Nice would be to have some sound and a different color chat line.
I think there is some miscommunication going on here because you are using some incompatible terminologies.
PING from an IRC perspective can mean two things. It can be the CTCP event PING (noun) which checks your PING (similar to ping.exe), or it can be the verb "to ping" which involves getting some user's attention.
Are you referring to the latter term? If so, you can set highlight options in alt-b -> highlight to beep and show a notification (tip) when someone says your name.
The other PING is probably not something you want to have notifications for.
- argv[0] on EFnet #mIRC - "Life is a pointer to an integer without a cast"