However I much prefer mIRC then Chatzilla, I'm not sure what causes the disconnects on mIRC other then the error being a ping timeout, I do not have this issue on Chatzilla, so I assume it's some kind of issue with my internet.
However is there a way to make mIRC less likely to disconnect me on this. I'm not quite sure what I'm trying to ask, I just want it to stay connected, the error tends to be a 10053, which I've tried most of the advice for that even tried forwarding the ports for mIRC. I can stay connected for hours before I get the 10053 and rarely it's reset by peer instead.
I checked the thread based on this and found nothing that fixed it, the only script I use is one to connect to two servers at log on, which is in the remote.ini section and reads as
on 1:START:{
/server name1
/server -m name2
Should I use an auto ping script also?