Hey so I assembled this script from many various pieces
on !*:join:#:{
msg $iif(#,#,$nick) .login user pass
alias -l input {
$1-2 $$?"Input Message Here:"
on $*:text:/<(\S+)> \[/iS:*:{
var %c = 1
while ($comchan($nick,%c)) {
if ($v1 == #ag) {
splay $mircdirsounds/jingle.wav
.timerinput 1 0 input .chat $regml(1)
inc %c
on *:Connect: {
/msg NickServ IDENTIFY password
/part #public
on *:Text:!identify:#: {
/msg NickServ IDENTIFY password
on *:connect:{
if (($me == $anick) && (%Cconnect == Off)) {
timerghost 1 1 ns ghost $mnick [u]password[/u]
timerchange 1 2 /nick $mnick
This is the problem. This script is suppose to open the $$? box whenever anyone in the channel writes "[Whisper] without the quotes.
The message usually looks like this :
[18:16] <User4> <4020> 13[Whisper] [Mamarakills]:bla
The script is suppose to pop the input box and if I write lets say /reply text its suppose to write the following :
.chat 4020 /reply text
The channel used for this is called #AG (if necessary) and the 4020 is ID that is a variable, hence why I need the script to auto-grab it.
It also reacts to both [Whisper] and [Whisper to] and I get 2 input boxes, but it either does nothing or it does /chat 4020 which opens a DCC chat instead of writing .chat in the channel. It does grab the id correctly.
Hopefully I've explained everything that you need to help me out with this, if there's more info required, please don't hesitate to contact me

PS 13 is not an error, it writes it in purple (if it helps).
Thank you and have a nice day!