I can't reproduce this. Do you have more than one mIRC instance running?
no, but I do connect to more than 1 net. Some forced identd and some dont.
Are you sure mIRC's identd server is responding at all (no ~ in your whois)?
Yes it's enabled.
~ is provided by the ircd, not mIRC. It only appears if identd checks are forced and not found. In all cases though regardless of ircd configuration, my username is still my email prefix.
What is the output if you enable "Show Identd requests"?
I'm firewalled not unlike most everyone else that uses home based broadband and I do not allow ident through. It's irrelevant and pointless in todays technology.
Regardless though, mIRC should use my username as specified and not the prefix when that option is not checked, regardless of what the outside world sees because mIRC SENDS the data, the ircd doesn't RETRIEVE the data.
-> rock.hidden.com NICK katsklaw
-> rock.hidden.com USER me 0 * :Who Dat?!
Email is set to 'me@home.com' username is set to 'darkness'. Use ID from email is not enabled. It's still set to 'me' regardless of if Use Ident server is set as well.