Since /dns queues requests if there is already one being processed it would be nice if there was an $identifier that would allow for queue looping, and a /dns switch to remove a specified entry from the queue
$dnsque(*,n[,a|i|n]) -> Returns the Nth matching entry in the DNS queue.
- If N is zero, then the total matching items is returned
- If a is specified, only hosts matching the matchtext is returned
- If i is specified, only ipaddresses matching the matchtext is returned
- If n is specified, only nicks matching the matchtext is returned
/Dns -q<iN|oN|dN> [address|ip|nick]
- if -qiN is specified then the specified address|ip|nick is inserted as the Nth item in the que
- if -qoN is specified then the Nth item in the queue is overwrote with the specified [address|ip|nick]
- if -qdN is specified the Nth item in the queue is deleted
And another thought on DNS, since DNS cache's resolved addresses, it would be nice if we could force a DNS through cache.
Last edited by FroggieDaFrog; 02/08/11 07:11 PM.