Here is my script how to copy what the bot says on the remote network and copy it into the local network. However, how can I make it copy it the same messages if there are many bots in the remote channel with many different names?
alias setup {
; remote network name
%remotenetwork = DALnet
; local network
%localnetwork = EFnet
; bot name
%bot = testbot
; remote channel you are taking the information from
%remotechannel = #remotebotchannel
; remote channel password, if it has one
%remotechannelpassword =
; local channel you are echoing the information to
%localchannel = #mychannel
; local channel password, if it has one
%localchannelpassword =
; join chans
on 1:connect: {
if ($network == %remotenetwork) {
join %remotechannel %remotechannelpassword
elseif ($network == %localnetwork) {
join %localchannel %localchannelpassword
; catch remote bot commands
on 1:text:*:%remotechannel: {
if (($nick == %bot)) {
if (hello isin $1 || goodbye isin $1) {
; change to local server
scid 1
if ($me ison %localchannel) {
msg %localchannel $1-