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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Joined: Jun 2011
Posts: 5
I recently acquired a copy of the Ghalerion script. If you don't know, it's a scripted mIRC client, on version 6.21, with stuff for roleplaying.

I like several of the scripts, and I'm trying to extract them and get them to work in my copy of UPP 2.20.

Unfortunately I'm not having much luck.

--Roleplaying Script--
This has numerous features. The main one is the one I want.
It only triggers when you do "/me" stuff. As in a roleplaying action.

When using certain symbols in the "/me" action, the symbols, and text between them, is colored. To better distinguish what type of speech the text is.
(( Out of Character ))
[ AI ]
< telepathy >
" Normal Speech "
.o0( thought bubbles )

The problem is the same one I encounter with other "color" scripts that supposedly work. When typing in the channel, it doubles what is sent.

First you see the normally colored text. Then you see the text as the script colors it.

And I'm not skilled enough to figure out what the problem is.

I'll include a copy of the script. I hope someone much more skilled than me can decipher the problem and get it working. I'd really love to use it.

n1=;                    Ghalerion Script
n2=;                      By Kouketsu
n4=;Currently Viewing: Roleplaying Scripts
n5=;Description: Includes the mistake aliases for /me, a cut script, and a WPM calculator for you speed fighters out there.
n6=;Aliases Defined: em, wpmcalc, disptxt, wpmcount, countstart, countend, stats
n7=;Dialogs Included: wpm
n9=alias em { /me $1- }
n10=alias ooc { msg $active (( $1- )) }
n11=;Text cutter/colorer
n12=;Made to keep from 'over running' the irc text buffer.
n13=;There is no commands for this script. On any /me statement containing certain quote formats, it will activate and color them acordingly
n14=;The script also detects if the current channel has +c (colorban) and if it does, it turns the color featuer off.
n15=;On any post longer then 420 characters, the script will chop the text at the closest space, then post the runoff a second later.
n17=;The quote coloring works like this:
n18=; ((text)) for out of character or OOC text
n19=; [text] for 'AI' text
n20=; <text> for telepathic text
n21=; "text" for normal speech text
n22=; .oO( text ) for 'thought' bubble text (As requested by Draconia)
n25=;I wrote this mostly for RolePlayers to stop the 'you got cut off' and such on IRC
n26=;If you'd like more types of text quotes to be added, I can be contacted at nyghtwulf@gmail.com
n30=on 1:input:*:{
n31=  ;force script to only work with /me statements.
n32=  ;if you would like to remove this restriction, comment out the following line,
n33=  ;AND the marked line towards the end of this script
n34=  if ($1 == /me) {
n36=    ;this section turns the text coloring engine on and off.
n37=    ;If you would like to do this manualy, comment out these lines
n38=    ;and set %AutoFormatting to either 'ON' or 'OFF'
n40=    if (c isincs $chan($chan).mode) {
n41=      %AutoFormatting = OFF
n42=    }
n43=    else {
n44=      %AutoFormatting = ON
n45=    }
n47=    ;-------------------------------------------------------------
n48=    ;Settings for the text parser engine
n50=    ; Modify %CutStyle to your liking.
n51=    %CutStyle = --
n53=    ;Modify %CStrailer to your liking.
n54=    %CStrailer = 6 ...
n56=    if ($mid(%AutoFormatting,1,1) != O) {
n57=      %AutoFormatting = ON
n58=    }
n60=    ;The following sets colors and formatting for quoted text.
n61=    ;Don't change the characters or things will look funny
n63=    %whisperTone = 13[
n65=    ;telepath color set
n66=    %softTone = 5<
n68=    ;normal speech color set
n69=    %normalTone = 14"
n71=    ;OOC color setting
n72=    %loudTone = 10((
n74=    ;Cloud Text
n75=    %cloudTone = 12.oO(
n77=    ;sets colors off at end *DO NOT CHANGE*
n78=    %endTone = "6
n79=    %endTone2 = >6
n80=    %endTone3 = ]6
n81=    %endTone4 = ))6
n82=    %endtone5 = )6
n85=    ; The following sets the search codes for automatic text coloring.
n87=    ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
n88=    %whisperQuote = [
n89=    %softQuote = <
n90=    %normalQuote = "
n91=    %loudQuote = ((
n92=    %cloudQuote = .oO(
n94=    %endquote = "
n95=    %endquote2 = >
n96=    %endquote3 = ]
n97=    %endquote4 = ))
n98=    %endquote5 = )
n100=    %n = 1
n101=    %act = 0
n102=    %cut = 0
n103=    %QEnc = 0
n104=    %codes = $chr(0)
n105=    %chr = $chr(0)
n107=    if (($mid($1,1,2) == 6) || ($mid($1,1,1) == ") || ($mid($1,2,1) == ")) {
n108=      %QEnc = 1
n109=    }
n111=    if ($1 == /me)  {
n112=      %codes = $chr(3) $+ 6
n113=      %act = 1
n114=      %QEnc = 1
n115=      %len = 424 - $len($me)
n116=    }
n117=    else {
n118=      %act = 0
n119=      %len = 430 - $len($me)
n120=    }
n121=    if ($len($1-) > %len) {
n122=      %cut = 1
n123=      while (%chr != $chr(32)) {
n124=        %len = %len - 1
n125=        %chr = $mid($1-,%len,1)
n126=      }
n127=      %scantext = $left($1-,%len)
n128=      %lefttext = %scantext
n129=      %cuttext = $right($1-,$mid($1-,%len,0))
n130=    }
n131=    else {
n132=      %lefttext = $1-
n133=    }
n135=    if ((%AutoFormatting == ON) && (%QEnc == 1)) {
n136=      %scantext = $QuoteEncode(%scantext)
n137=      %lefttext = $QuoteEncode(%lefttext)
n138=      %cuttext = $QuoteEncode(%cuttext)
n139=    }
n141=    while (%n != 0) {
n142=      %n = $regsub(scan,%scantext,/([­]|\d{1 $+ $chr(44) $+ 2} $+ $chr(44) $+ ?\d?\d?)/,$chr(0),%scantext)
n143=      %codes = %codes $+ $regml(scan,1)
n144=    }
n145=    if (%cut == 1) {
n146=      /timerCutScript 1 1 /say %CutStyle $+  $+ %codes %cuttext
n147=      %lefttext = %lefttext $+ %CSTrailer
n148=    }
n149=    if (%act == 1) {
n150=      /me $deltok(%lefttext,1,32)
n151=      /halt
n152=    }
n153=    else {
n154=      if ($mid(%lefttext,1,1) != /) {
n155=        /say %lefttext
n156=        /halt
n157=      }
n158=    }
n159=  }
n160=  ;comment out the following one line to allow the script to act on all text that is inputed
n163=alias QuoteEncode {
n164=  %CSQtext = $1-
n165=  %CSQtext = $replace(%CSQtext,$chr(32) $+ %whisperQuote,$chr(32) $+ %whisperTone)
n166=  %CSQtext = $replace(%CSQtext,$chr(32) $+ %softQuote,$chr(32) $+ %softTone)
n167=  %CSQtext = $replace(%CSQtext,$chr(32) $+ %normalQuote,$chr(32) $+ %normalTone)
n168=  %CSQtext = $replace(%CSQtext,$chr(32) $+ %loudQuote,$chr(32) $+ %loudTone)
n169=  %CSQtext = $replace(%CSQtext,$chr(32) $+ %CLoudQuote,$chr(32) $+ %cloudTone)
n171=  %CSQtext = $replace(%CSQtext,%endQuote $+ $chr(32),%endTone $+ $chr(32))
n172=  %CSQtext = $replace(%CSQtext,%endQuote2 $+ $chr(32),%endTone2 $+ $chr(32))
n173=  %CSQtext = $replace(%CSQtext,%endQuote3 $+ $chr(32),%endTone3 $+ $chr(32))
n174=  %CSQtext = $replace(%CSQtext,%endQuote4 $+ $chr(32),%endTone4 $+ $chr(32))
n175=  %CSQtext = $replace(%CSQtext,%endQuote5 $+ $chr(32),%endTone5 $+ $chr(32))
n176=  /return %CSQtext
n179=dialog wpm {
n180=  title "IRC WPM Calculator"
n181=  size -1 -1 280 70
n182=  option dbu
n183=  edit "Press start or Alt + S to begin the counter. Hit the 'Enter' key to stop it.", 1, 4 40 241 10, autohs
n184=  edit "Your text will appear here.", 3, 4 4 241 30, read, return, multi
n185=  button "Stop", 2, 246 40 30 10, disable, hide, default
n186=  text "Speed:", 5, 4 57 17 10
n187=  edit "", 6, 22 56 20 10, read, autohs
n188=  text "Avg. Speed:", 7, 44 57 30 10
n189=  edit "", 8, 75 56 21 10, read, autohs
n190=  text "Peak:" 9, 139 57 15 10
n191=  edit "", 10, 154 56 20 10, read, autohs
n192=  text "Time Elapsed:", 11, 178 57 35 10
n193=  edit "", 12, 213 56 30 10, read, autohs
n194=  button "Reset", 13, 246 56 30 10
n195=  button "&Start", 14, 246 40 30 10, default
n196=  button "Print Current Stats", 15, 246 4 30 30, multi
n197=  text "Words:", 16, 98 57 17 10
n198=  edit "", 17, 116 56 20 10, read, autohs
n200=on *:dialog:wpm:init:*: {
n201=  set %wpm.use 0
n202=  set %wpm.add 0
n203=  set %wpm.avg 0
n204=  did -ra wpm 10 %wpm.peak
n206=on *:dialog:wpm:edit:1: {
n207=  did -e wpm 2
n209=on *:dialog:wpm:sclick:*: {
n210=  if ($did == 14) {
n211=    countstart
n212=    did -r wpm 1
n213=    did -f wpm 1
n214=    did -bh wpm 14
n215=    did -ev wpm 2
n216=  }
n217=  if ($did == 2) {
n218=    countend
n219=    disptxt $did(wpm,1).text
n220=    stats
n221=    did -bh wpm 2
n222=    did -ev wpm 14
n223=  }
n224=  if ($did == 13) {
n225=    set %wpm.use 0
n226=    set %wpm.add 0
n227=    set %wpm.avg 0
n228=    set %wpm.peak 0
n229=    did -ra wpm 10 %wpm.peak
n230=    did -ra wpm 8 %wpm.avg
n231=    did -ra wpm 12 0
n232=    did -ra wpm 6 0
n233=  }
n234=  if ($did == 15) {
n235=    msg $active $gtalk(Ghalerion Script WPM Calculator Statistics:) $gtalk(Latest WPM: %wpm.end) $gtalk(Average WPM: %wpm.avg) $gtalk(Peak WPM: %wpm.peak)
n236=  }
n238=alias wpmcalc {
n239=  if ($dialog(wpm) != $null) { dialog -v wpm | halt }
n240=  else { dialog -md wpm wpm }
n242=alias disptxt {
n243=  if ($1 == /me) {
n244=    did -ra wpm 3 $replace($did(wpm,1).text,/me,$me)
n245=  }
n246=  else {
n247=    did -ra wpm 3 $did(wpm,1).text
n248=  }
n250=alias wpmcount { set %time.elapsed $calc(%time.end - %time.start) }
n251=alias countstart { set %time.start $ctime }
n252=alias countend { set %time.end $ctime }
n253=alias stats { 
n254=  wpmcount
n255=  if (%time.elapsed == 0) {
n256=    did -ra wpm 6 Error
n257=    did -ra wpm 12 $duration(%time.elapsed)
n258=  }
n259=  else {
n260=    did -ra wpm 12 $duration(%time.elapsed)
n261=    set %txt.def $did(wpm,1).text
n262=    set %words.def $numtok(%txt.def,32)
n263=    did -ra wpm 17 %words.def
n264=    set %wpm.def $calc((%words.def / %time.elapsed) * 60)
n265=    set %wpm.end $int(%wpm.def)
n266=    did -ra wpm 6 %wpm.end
n267=    set %wpm.use $calc(%wpm.use + 1)
n268=    set %wpm.add $calc(%wpm.add + %wpm.end)
n269=    set %wpm.avg $calc(%wpm.add / %wpm.use)
n270=    did -ra wpm 8 $int(%wpm.avg)
n271=    if (%wpm.end > %wpm.peak) {
n272=      set %wpm.peak %wpm.end
n273=      did -ra wpm 10 %wpm.peak
n274=    }
n275=  }

I'm pretty sure it has something to do with a code piece that is supposed to hide that first line, or something. That just stopped working as of 6.35, because in the client the Ghalerion comes from, 6.21, it works 100% correctly.

Thanks for reading this!

Joined: Feb 2011
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Pan-dimensional mouse
Pan-dimensional mouse
Joined: Feb 2011
Posts: 476
It looks like this script was saved under the wrong tab in the script editor.

Save this under, Tools -> Script Editor -> Remote Tab.

I have removed all the "n*=" stuff, I think that was caused by being saved under the wrong tab.

Save it as "Ghalerion.mrc" and see if that works.

;                    Ghalerion Script
;                      By Kouketsu
;Currently Viewing: Roleplaying Scripts
;Description: Includes the mistake aliases for /me, a cut script, and a WPM calculator for you speed fighters out there.
;Aliases Defined: em, wpmcalc, disptxt, wpmcount, countstart, countend, stats
;Dialogs Included: wpm
alias em { /me $1- }
alias ooc { msg $active (( $1- )) }
;Text cutter/colorer
;Made to keep from 'over running' the irc text buffer.
;There is no commands for this script. On any /me statement containing certain quote formats, it will activate and color them acordingly
;The script also detects if the current channel has +c (colorban) and if it does, it turns the color featuer off.
;On any post longer then 420 characters, the script will chop the text at the closest space, then post the runoff a second later.
;The quote coloring works like this:
; ((text)) for out of character or OOC text
; [text] for 'AI' text
; <text> for telepathic text
; "text" for normal speech text
; .oO( text ) for 'thought' bubble text (As requested by Draconia)
;I wrote this mostly for RolePlayers to stop the 'you got cut off' and such on IRC
;If you'd like more types of text quotes to be added, I can be contacted at nyghtwulf@gmail.com

on 1:input:*:{
  ;force script to only work with /me statements.
  ;if you would like to remove this restriction, comment out the following line,
  ;AND the marked line towards the end of this script
  if ($1 == /me) {

    ;this section turns the text coloring engine on and off.
    ;If you would like to do this manualy, comment out these lines
    ;and set %AutoFormatting to either 'ON' or 'OFF'

    if (c isincs $chan($chan).mode) {
      %AutoFormatting = OFF
    else {
      %AutoFormatting = ON

    ;Settings for the text parser engine

    ; Modify %CutStyle to your liking.
    %CutStyle = --

    ;Modify %CStrailer to your liking.
    %CStrailer = 6 ...

    if ($mid(%AutoFormatting,1,1) != O) {
      %AutoFormatting = ON

    ;The following sets colors and formatting for quoted text.
    ;Don't change the characters or things will look funny

    %whisperTone = 13[

    ;telepath color set
    %softTone = 5<

    ;normal speech color set
    %normalTone = 14"

    ;OOC color setting
    %loudTone = 10((

    ;Cloud Text
    %cloudTone = 12.oO(

    ;sets colors off at end *DO NOT CHANGE*
    %endTone = "6
    %endTone2 = >6
    %endTone3 = ]6
    %endTone4 = ))6
    %endtone5 = )6

    ; The following sets the search codes for automatic text coloring.
    %whisperQuote = [
    %softQuote = <
    %normalQuote = "
    %loudQuote = ((
    %cloudQuote = .oO(

    %endquote = "
    %endquote2 = >
    %endquote3 = ]
    %endquote4 = ))
    %endquote5 = )

    %n = 1
    %act = 0
    %cut = 0
    %QEnc = 0
    %codes = $chr(0)
    %chr = $chr(0)

    if (($mid($1,1,2) == 6) || ($mid($1,1,1) == ") || ($mid($1,2,1) == ")) {
      %QEnc = 1

    if ($1 == /me)  {
      %codes = $chr(3) $+ 6
      %act = 1
      %QEnc = 1
      %len = 424 - $len($me)
    else {
      %act = 0
      %len = 430 - $len($me)
    if ($len($1-) > %len) {
      %cut = 1
      while (%chr != $chr(32)) {
        %len = %len - 1
        %chr = $mid($1-,%len,1)
      %scantext = $left($1-,%len)
      %lefttext = %scantext
      %cuttext = $right($1-,$mid($1-,%len,0))
    else {
      %lefttext = $1-

    if ((%AutoFormatting == ON) && (%QEnc == 1)) {
      %scantext = $QuoteEncode(%scantext)
      %lefttext = $QuoteEncode(%lefttext)
      %cuttext = $QuoteEncode(%cuttext)

    while (%n != 0) {
      %n = $regsub(scan,%scantext,/([­]|\d{1 $+ $chr(44) $+ 2} $+ $chr(44) $+ ?\d?\d?)/,$chr(0),%scantext)
      %codes = %codes $+ $regml(scan,1)
    if (%cut == 1) {
      /timerCutScript 1 1 /say %CutStyle $+  $+ %codes %cuttext
      %lefttext = %lefttext $+ %CSTrailer
    if (%act == 1) {
      /me $deltok(%lefttext,1,32)
    else {
      if ($mid(%lefttext,1,1) != /) {
        /say %lefttext
  ;comment out the following one line to allow the script to act on all text that is inputed

alias QuoteEncode {
  %CSQtext = $1-
  %CSQtext = $replace(%CSQtext,$chr(32) $+ %whisperQuote,$chr(32) $+ %whisperTone)
  %CSQtext = $replace(%CSQtext,$chr(32) $+ %softQuote,$chr(32) $+ %softTone)
  %CSQtext = $replace(%CSQtext,$chr(32) $+ %normalQuote,$chr(32) $+ %normalTone)
  %CSQtext = $replace(%CSQtext,$chr(32) $+ %loudQuote,$chr(32) $+ %loudTone)
  %CSQtext = $replace(%CSQtext,$chr(32) $+ %CLoudQuote,$chr(32) $+ %cloudTone)

  %CSQtext = $replace(%CSQtext,%endQuote $+ $chr(32),%endTone $+ $chr(32))
  %CSQtext = $replace(%CSQtext,%endQuote2 $+ $chr(32),%endTone2 $+ $chr(32))
  %CSQtext = $replace(%CSQtext,%endQuote3 $+ $chr(32),%endTone3 $+ $chr(32))
  %CSQtext = $replace(%CSQtext,%endQuote4 $+ $chr(32),%endTone4 $+ $chr(32))
  %CSQtext = $replace(%CSQtext,%endQuote5 $+ $chr(32),%endTone5 $+ $chr(32))
  /return %CSQtext

dialog wpm {
  title "IRC WPM Calculator"
  size -1 -1 280 70
  option dbu
  edit "Press start or Alt + S to begin the counter. Hit the 'Enter' key to stop it.", 1, 4 40 241 10, autohs
  edit "Your text will appear here.", 3, 4 4 241 30, read, return, multi
  button "Stop", 2, 246 40 30 10, disable, hide, default
  text "Speed:", 5, 4 57 17 10
  edit "", 6, 22 56 20 10, read, autohs
  text "Avg. Speed:", 7, 44 57 30 10
  edit "", 8, 75 56 21 10, read, autohs
  text "Peak:" 9, 139 57 15 10
  edit "", 10, 154 56 20 10, read, autohs
  text "Time Elapsed:", 11, 178 57 35 10
  edit "", 12, 213 56 30 10, read, autohs
  button "Reset", 13, 246 56 30 10
  button "&Start", 14, 246 40 30 10, default
  button "Print Current Stats", 15, 246 4 30 30, multi
  text "Words:", 16, 98 57 17 10
  edit "", 17, 116 56 20 10, read, autohs
on *:dialog:wpm:init:*: {
  set %wpm.use 0
  set %wpm.add 0
  set %wpm.avg 0
  did -ra wpm 10 %wpm.peak
on *:dialog:wpm:edit:1: {
  did -e wpm 2
on *:dialog:wpm:sclick:*: {
  if ($did == 14) {
    did -r wpm 1
    did -f wpm 1
    did -bh wpm 14
    did -ev wpm 2
  if ($did == 2) {
    disptxt $did(wpm,1).text
    did -bh wpm 2
    did -ev wpm 14
  if ($did == 13) {
    set %wpm.use 0
    set %wpm.add 0
    set %wpm.avg 0
    set %wpm.peak 0
    did -ra wpm 10 %wpm.peak
    did -ra wpm 8 %wpm.avg
    did -ra wpm 12 0
    did -ra wpm 6 0
  if ($did == 15) {
    msg $active $gtalk(Ghalerion Script WPM Calculator Statistics:) $gtalk(Latest WPM: %wpm.end) $gtalk(Average WPM: %wpm.avg) $gtalk(Peak WPM: %wpm.peak)
alias wpmcalc {
  if ($dialog(wpm) != $null) { dialog -v wpm | halt }
  else { dialog -md wpm wpm }
alias disptxt {
  if ($1 == /me) {
    did -ra wpm 3 $replace($did(wpm,1).text,/me,$me)
  else {
    did -ra wpm 3 $did(wpm,1).text
alias wpmcount { set %time.elapsed $calc(%time.end - %time.start) }
alias countstart { set %time.start $ctime }
alias countend { set %time.end $ctime }
alias stats { 
  if (%time.elapsed == 0) {
    did -ra wpm 6 Error
    did -ra wpm 12 $duration(%time.elapsed)
  else {
    did -ra wpm 12 $duration(%time.elapsed)
    set %txt.def $did(wpm,1).text
    set %words.def $numtok(%txt.def,32)
    did -ra wpm 17 %words.def
    set %wpm.def $calc((%words.def / %time.elapsed) * 60)
    set %wpm.end $int(%wpm.def)
    did -ra wpm 6 %wpm.end
    set %wpm.use $calc(%wpm.use + 1)
    set %wpm.add $calc(%wpm.add + %wpm.end)
    set %wpm.avg $calc(%wpm.add / %wpm.use)
    did -ra wpm 8 $int(%wpm.avg)
    if (%wpm.end > %wpm.peak) {
      set %wpm.peak %wpm.end
      did -ra wpm 10 %wpm.peak

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Posts: 8,330
This script, by itself, already halts your input text and only outputs the edited version of your text. The problem you are going to have when combining this with something like UPP is that UPP most likely also has code for changing text. Try moving this script to the top of your script list and see if that helps.

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#Invision on irc.irchighway.net
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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Joined: Jun 2011
Posts: 5
Riamus2: Works great. Thanks for the help.

KindOne: I had been putting it in Remote. The Number things are line numbers. If you look at the ini/mrc files, they all save like that.

You just don't see it in the mIRC editor normally.

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Posts: 8,330
Actually, if you save it as .ini, that's when you get the lines. If you save it as .mrc (and it was never saved as .ini), you won't have the line numbers or [script] at the top. The ini format needs sections and items, so that's why you see those when using that format. It's not a big deal and it works fine, but it can make it a pain editing outside of mIRC.

Invision Support
#Invision on irc.irchighway.net

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