Alright, so i play an online game called torncity, i'm not going to link to it, if you need to see it please google it.
Anyway, I have a basic script a lottery script.
and I need a few things added to it, and i'm willing to pay 10-15$ if i'm aloud to.
anyway, i need a few simple commands.
!addid <nick> <ID>
[each user is given an ID at the start of the game that they cannot change. It's all numbers] [example: [1517715]]
anyway, I need the script to create an .ini file, thats stores the user name and ID, and reads from it later.
I need !profile <nick>
The script will then look through the .ini file and if there is a nick in there it will state back the link to their profile <ID>
So when someone types
user: !profile oursickstory
the bot will reply with
bot: profile for oursickstoy - something of the sort.
last but not lest, the lotto.
I need the lotto to not let people join unless their ID is in the INI file. so if they don't have their id added it would say
'please add your ID using !addid <nick> <ID> before joining the lotto'
Thanks in advance.
If you need me please email me
like I said, i wouldn't mind paying for this, it shouldn't take more then 15-20 minutes.