Joined: Apr 2010
Posts: 969
Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
Joined: Apr 2010
Posts: 969 |
I have a .vbs script, and am able to run it from mIRC, but I actually WANT mIRC to wait until the .vbs script is done processing. alias pstat {
var %s = 1
if ($com(Pstats)) { .comclose PStats }
.comopen Pstats wscript.shell
.comclose PStats $com(Pstats,run,1,bstr*,test\pstat.vbs,uint,0,bool,true)
window -nh @MI-WebGet
filter -fwc $qt("test\pstats2.txt") @MI-WebGet *
goto end
:error | reseterror | %s = $null
if ($com(PStats)) { .comclose PStats }
:end | return %s
} Once the pstats.vbs has started running, mIRC continues on. Is there a way to get mIRC to pause/freeze/wait until the .vbs file is finished? Edit Starts Here: After doing a little more trial&error/testing, I realised Something: The command tree calling the Pstats waits, yet MIRC as a whole doesn't. I can still type, send text, etc while the .vbs processes, yet once it's finished, it returns %s(Unintended Threading? I might explore this some more)
Last edited by FroggieDaFrog; 19/10/10 02:12 PM.
Joined: May 2007
Posts: 37
Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
Joined: May 2007
Posts: 37 |
Your best bet to get around this problem is to do something similar to the following: alias workaround {
if ($com(a)) .comclose a
.comopen a MSScriptControl.ScriptControl
noop $com(a,Language,4,bstr,VBScript)
noop $com(a,ExecuteStatement,1,bstr, $&
x = "abc" $crlf $&
y = "def" $crlf $&
z = x & y)
noop $com(a,Eval,1,bstr,z)
var %result = $com(a).result
.comclose a
return %result
} Where the ExecuteStatement string is the code to be run, and the Eval string is the variable that you wish to return the contents of to mIRC.
Last edited by Chessnut; 19/10/10 02:35 PM.
Joined: Apr 2010
Posts: 969
Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
Joined: Apr 2010
Posts: 969 |
As discussed on IRC, due to the .vbs code being 5-6KBs this isn't an option The .vbs source: Function IStr(item)
if (IsNumeric(Item)) then
iStr = CInt(Item)
iStr = Left(Item,Len(item) -1)
end if
end Function
function iif(psdStr, trueStr, falseStr)
if psdStr then
iif = trueStr
iif = falseStr
end if
end function
set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set objPStatFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile("D:\My Mirc Client\Test\pstats.txt", 1, false)
strPStatFile = objPStatFile.ReadAll
arrPStat = Split(strPStatFile,vbLf)
set rOBJ = New RegExp
rOBJ.IgnoreCase = True
rOBJ.Global = True
rOBJ.Pattern = "^rank (\d+) char ([^\x20]+) network ([^\x20]+) userhost ([^\x20]+) level (\d+) created (\d+) lastlogin (\d+) online (0|1) sex (?:(?:(m)ale)|(?:(f)emale)|(?:(n)ot set)) class \{([^\}]+)\} ttl (\d+) regentm (\d+) challengetm (\d+) slaytm (\d+) idled (\d+) x_pos (\d+) y_pos (\d+) amulet (\d+[a-z]?) charm (\d+[a-z]?) helm (\d+[a-z]?) boots (\d+[a-z]?) gloves (\d+[a-z]?) _
ring (\d+[a-z]?) leggings (\d+[a-z]?) shield (\d+[a-z]?) tunic (\d+[a-z]?) weapon (\d+[a-z]?) align ([neg]) alignchanged (0|1) powerpots (\d+) luckpots (\d+) fights ([0-5]) bets ([0-5]) bwon (\d+) blost (\d+) badd (\d+) bminus (\d+) hero (0|1) hlevel (\d) engineer (0|1) englevel (\d) gold (-?\d+) pen_mesg (\d+) pen_nick (\d+) pen_part (\d+) pen_kick (\d+) pen_quit (\d+) pen_quest (\d+) pen_logout (\d+)$"
dim mOBJ
set objFILE = objFSO.CreateTextFile("D:\My Mirc Client\Test\pstats2.txt")
For Each strPStat in arrPstat
if (right(strPstat,1) = vbCr) then strPstat = left(strPstat,len(strPstat) -1)
set mOBJ = rOBJ.Execute(strPstat)
If (mOBJ.Count > 0) then
GEND = iif(IsNull(mOBJ(0).submatches(8)),"M",iif(IsNull(mOBJ(0).submatches(9)),"F","N"))
PSUM = CInt(IStr(mOBJ(0).submatches(19))) + CInt(IStr(mOBJ(0).submatches(20))) + CInt(IStr(mOBJ(0).submatches(21))) + CInt(IStr(mOBJ(0).submatches(22))) + CInt(IStr(mOBJ(0).submatches(23))) + CInt(IStr(mOBJ(0).submatches(24))) + CInt(IStr(mOBJ(0).submatches(25))) + CInt(IStr(mOBJ(0).submatches(26))) + CInt(IStr(mOBJ(0).submatches(27))) + CInt(IStr(mOBJ(0).submatches(28)))
AMOD = iif(mOBJ(0).submatches(29) = "e","0.9",iif(mOBJ(0).submatches(29) = "g","1.1","1.0"))
HMOD = 1.0 + CDBL(mOBJ(0).submatches(39)) * (0.02 + CDbl(mOBJ(0).submatches(40)) * 0.01)
MSUM = Fix(CDbl(PSUM) * CDbl(AMOD) * CDbl(HMOD))
TFIGHTS = CInt(mOBJ(0).submatches(35)) + CInt(mOBJ(0).submatches(36))
if (TFIGHTS = "0") then
FWPR = 0.0
FLPR = 0.0
FWPR = round(CDBL(mOBJ(0).submatches(35)) / CDbl(TFIGHTS) * 100,1)
FLPR = round(CDBl(mOBJ(0).submatches(36)) / CDbl(TFIGHTS) * 100,1)
end if
if (mOBJ(0).SubMatches(35) = "0" or mOBJ(0).SubMatches(36) = "0") then
FRAT = "0.0"
FRAT = round(CDbl(mOBJ(0).submatches(35)) / CDbl(mOBJ(0).submatches(36)),2)
end if
EMOD = 1.0 + CDbl(mOBJ(0).submatches(41)) * (.02 + CInt(mOBJ(0).submatches(42)) * .01)
TPEN = CLng(mObj(0).submatches(44)) + CLng(mObj(0).submatches(45)) + CLng(mObj(0).submatches(46)) + CLng(mObj(0).submatches(47)) + CLng(mObj(0).submatches(48)) + CLng(mObj(0).submatches(49)) + CLng(mObj(0).submatches(50))
objfile.writeline(mOBJ(0).submatches(0) & "" & mOBJ(0).submatches(1) & "" & mOBJ(0).submatches(2) & "" & mOBJ(0).submatches(3) & "" & mOBJ(0).submatches(4) & "" & mOBJ(0).submatches(5) & "" & mOBJ(0).submatches(6) & "" & mOBJ(0).submatches(7) & "" & GEND & "" & mOBJ(0).submatches(11) & "" & mOBJ(0).submatches(12) & "" & _
mOBJ(0).submatches(13) & "" & mOBJ(0).submatches(14) & "" & mOBJ(0).submatches(15) & "" & mOBJ(0).submatches(16) & "" & mOBJ(0).submatches(17) & "" & mOBJ(0).submatches(18) & "" & PSUM & "" & MSUM & "" & mOBJ(0).submatches(19) & "" & mOBJ(0).submatches(20) & "" & mOBJ(0).submatches(21) & "" & _
mOBJ(0).submatches(22) & "" & mOBJ(0).submatches(23) & "" & mOBJ(0).submatches(24) & "" & mOBJ(0).submatches(25) & "" & mOBJ(0).submatches(26) & "" & mOBJ(0).submatches(27) & "" & mOBJ(0).submatches(28) & "" & mOBJ(0).submatches(29) & "" & mOBJ(0).submatches(30) & "" & AMOD & "" & mOBJ(0).submatches(31) & "" & _
mOBJ(0).submatches(32) & "" & mOBJ(0).submatches(33) & "" & mOBJ(0).submatches(34) & "" & TFIGHTS & "" & mOBJ(0).submatches(35) & "" & FWPR & "" & mOBJ(0).submatches(36) & "" & FLPR & "" & FRAT & "" & mOBJ(0).submatches(37) & "" & mOBJ(0).submatches(38) & "" & mOBJ(0).submatches(39) & "" & _
mOBJ(0).submatches(40) & "" & HMOD & "" & mOBJ(0).submatches(41) & "" & mOBJ(0).submatches(42) & "" & EMOD & "" & mOBJ(0).submatches(43) & "" & TPEN & "" & mObj(0).submatches(44) & "" & mObj(0).submatches(45) & "" & mObj(0).submatches(46) & "" & mObj(0).submatches(47) & "" & mObj(0).submatches(48) & "" & _
mObj(0).submatches(49) & "" & mObj(0).submatches(50) & "")
end if
Last edited by FroggieDaFrog; 19/10/10 04:13 PM.
Joined: Sep 2005
Posts: 2,881
Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
Joined: Sep 2005
Posts: 2,881 |
When the boolean value in Wscript.Shell's Run() is set to true mIRC should wait... not sure why it isn't! You could possibly try combining Chessnut's method with yours: alias workaround {
if ($com(a)) .comclose a
.comopen a MSScriptControl.ScriptControl
noop $com(a,Language,4,bstr,VBScript)
noop $com(a,ExecuteStatement,1,bstr, $&
set objWSH = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") $crlf $&
objWSH.Run( $+ $qt($mircdirtest\pstat.vbs) $+ ,0,true))
var %result = $com(a).result
.comclose a
window -nh @MI-WebGet
filter -fwc $qt("test\pstats2.txt") @MI-WebGet *
:error | reseterror | %s = $null
if ($com(a)) { .comclose a }
:end | return %s