its a messy solution, the whois version - watch out flooding....
Perhaps a better solution (in some respects at least):
on *:text:*:#:{
set $+(%,idle.,#,.,$nick) $asctime
alias idlenicks {
;%idlelen is the varible which contains the time in ticks format for which someone has been idle. if (time - idlelen) is greater than idletime, incrment counter
if ($1) {
var %i = 1
;Count all varibles of where someone spoke in channel $1
while (%i <= $var($+(%,idle.,$1,.*),0) {
if ($eval($var($+(%,idle.,$1,.*),%i),2) > $calc($asctime - %idlelen)) { inc %idlenicks. $+ $1 }
inc %i
echo -s There are $eval(%idlenicks. $+ $1,2) nicks idle on $1
Untested and untried, and you'll have to unset %idle.*.* on exit otherwise its inefficient. Hope it gives you an inspiration
-a user might not say anything at all, and won't come up on your radar with this alias
-A user might just be away and you'll never know\
-a user might be idling on your chan but active on another./..
I just reread the $nick().idle bit... I'm outta touch!
Last edited by CloCkWeRX; 06/05/03 05:45 AM.