I have this alias to show what music i listen to.
alias mp3show {
if (!$inmp3) || (!$server) return
var %t = $mp3ret(main,show)
var %m = $mp3showmsg
if ($1 ischan) || ($chat($1)) || ($query($1)) describe $1 %m
else {
if ((%t == 1) || (%t == 3)) {
var %i = 1
while ( %i <= $scon(0) ) {
scid $scon(%i)
var %kamers = $null
var %ii = $chan(0)
while ( %ii ) {
if ( %nietszeggenin. [ $+ [ $chan(%ii) ] ] ) { dec %ii | continue }
var %kamers = $addtok(%kamers,$chan(%ii),44)
dec %ii
.describe %kamers %m | echo -i27 %kamers 14 $+ $timestamp $+ $str( ,$calc(17 - $len($_c(core03)))) 6 $+ $_c(core03) $+ : $me %m
inc %i
if ((%t == 2) || (%t == 3)) {
var %i = 1
while ($scon(%i)) {
scid $v1
if ($query(1)) qme %m
inc %i
if (%t == 4) && (($active ischan) || ($query($active)) || ($chat($active))) describe $active %m
my problem is the echo part.
on rightclick in a channel i have an option to exclude that channel from seeing what i listen to.
When i'm on only one channel it works fine.
But when i'm on multiple channels the echo will show up in my status window like this:
#chan1,#schan2,#chan3 [05:37] Aktie: RiMaJoy this is what i'm listening to.
what i want is the echo to show up in all the channel that i'm in and that are not excluded.
on the describe %kamers does the job .... why doesn't it work with the echo ?
i hope u can help me out.