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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HEAnlpGuGPwsee this video! for test with the same script check on www.sagitt.altervista.org ... the export bug exists on all version of mirc 7.x, the cnick bug only in the last 7.11 beta!
Last edited by sagitt; 21/09/10 10:57 PM.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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What are the bugs exactly ? we don't see anything on this video.. You're obviously using a script, can you reproduce these bugs on a completely clean install of mirc 7.11 ?
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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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I'm the creator of script...
The cnick bug is that with "." before the command it show the alert
The $sfile bug is that if i select desktop the client change directory to computer..
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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The /cnick bug is due a recent change (before, /cnick wasn't displaying anything). As for the $sfile part, there's no bug, $sfile let you return a file name, not a folder name, clicking on open is opening the focused folder/file (which is always the 'computer' folder on your video).
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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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check.. i deselected computer and it return to computer again! and i can't save on desktop!
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Thanks the /.cnick issue has been fixed for the next version. I was not able to reproduce an issue with $sfile() - as far as I can tell this is default behaviour for the Windows file dialog.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Even if you're clicking away to deselect the folder, it is still focused by default, at least it seems to be.
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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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So how the user can save on the desktop?
With $sdir there is not this problem
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I don't see any problem, if you select a folder (or if a folder is in focus) in the dialog selection and you click the open button, the folder will open as expected, you have to select a file and click the open button to make $sfile returns something
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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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You don't understand... I used the same system on my previous script with mIRC 6.35 and i have not this problem (with xp or vista, and i think on 7 too).
With 7 and mIRC 7.x (from the first beta) i can't save any file on the desktop with multiple system (export, backup and other) because if i select desktop without selecti any icon, it return EVER computer folder... I tried all method like using shortfn, $+(",dir,") but nothing...
Try it
Edit: for khaled.. I found a bug with gmt/ctime... Sone months ago... If i remember how to reproducing the bug i tell you
Last edited by sagitt; 22/09/10 02:09 PM.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I cannot seem to reproduce an issue here. If I run mIRC v7.11 and then type "//echo $sfile(c:\)" into the Status window editbox and press the enter key, it displays the select file dialog. I click on "Desktop", type in a filename "test.txt" and press the "Open" button, and it displays "C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\Desktop\test.txt" in Windows XP and "C:\Users\UserName\Desktop\test.txt" in Windows 7. I also tested with v6.35 and it showed the same results.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I also don't see any issues with $sfile. Most likely, it's a problem in the script. Your script isn't the nicest thing to try and read for someone who isn't familiar with it, so I'm not going to try and troubleshoot it for you. Try your command on a clean copy of mIRC without any other scripts loaded... just the line that opens the $sfile dialog and then saves the file. If it isn't working by itself on a clean copy of mIRC, then display just that small section of code (should only be 1-3 lines at most) and we can test just that line.
As mentioned, doing something like:
//write $sfile(c:\) Testing...
will create a file named whatever you enter into that dialog and in the folder you have open and put "Testing..." into it. That works as expected.
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Pikka bird
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I'm actually surfing with my iPhone... When i'm back to home i post the code
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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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alias file_export { var %k = $shortfn($logdir) var %o = $+($chr(46),$time(yyyy),$time(mm),$time(dd),$chr(46),log) var %m = .copy -o if ($1 == export) { if ($2) { var %oo = $strip($2-) var %t!1 = $shortfn($+(%k,%oo)) if (($exists(%t!1)) && ($lines(%t!1) > 0)) { var %d!1 = $+(",$sfile($+(C:\,%oo),Export of log: %oo,Export),") if (%d!1) { %m %t!1 %d!1 } } } } } try with this code use: /file_export export filename.log (work only if the file exists in $logdir) VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SAWRfGePs3c
Last edited by sagitt; 22/09/10 06:42 PM.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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There's no %k and %oo set in that code.
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Hoopy frood
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Thanks I have been able to reproduce the issue. It appears to be a Windows 7 bug. I have implemented a workaround - so this should work as before in the next version of mIRC.
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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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yeahhhhh!! I remember the problem is that mIRC return the incorrect GMT.. check it! EDIT, USE THIS FOR TEST: alias time_engine { if ($1) { .var %k = $calc($ctime - $ctime($1-)) | if ($calc($gmt(%k,m) - 1) > 0) { .var %o = %o $calc($gmt(%k,m) - 1) $iif($calc($gmt(%k,m) - 1) == 1,month,months) } | if ($calc($gmt(%k,d) - 1) > 0) { .var %o = %o $calc($gmt(%k,d) - 1) $iif($calc($gmt(%k,d) - 1) == 1,day,days) } | if ($gmt(%k,H) > 0) { .var %o = %o $gmt(%k,H) $iif($gmt(%k,H) == 1,hour,hours) } | if ($gmt(%k,n) > 0) { .var %o = %o $gmt(%k,n) $iif($gmt(%k,n) == 1,minut,minutes) } | if ($gmt(%k,s) > 0) { .var %o = %o $iif(%o,e $gmt(%k,s),$gmt(%k,s)) $iif($gmt(%k,s) == 1,second,seconds) } | .return %o } } 1: $time_engine($date $time) 2: $time_engine($asctime($file(FILENAME).mtime))) It return incorrect value, or sometimes doesn't return any value! But only if the file was created long ago or the date and time values are old, it "work incorrectly" and return an incorrect value. try to do: "/set %date $date" and "/set %time $time" and wait some minutes... try to do //echo -a $time_engine(%date %time) it return an error... edit manually the date and it return an incorrect value! But work very well on mIRC 6.35!! For release my script with mIRC 7.x i "fixed" it using this code (without gmt method): alias time_engine { if ($1) { .var %k = $calc($ctime - $ctime($1-)) | .var %n = $calc($asctime(%k,yyyy) - 1970) | if (%n > 0) { .var %o = %n $iif(%n == 1,year,years) } | .var %n = $calc($asctime(%k,m) - 1) | if (%n > 0) { .var %o = %o %n $iif(%n == 1,month,months) } | .var %n = $calc($asctime(%k,d) - 1) | if (%n > 0) { .var %o = %o %n $iif(%n == 1,day,days) } | .var %n = $asctime(%k,H) | if (%n > 1) { .var %o = %o %n $iif(%n == 1,hour,hours) } | .var %n = $asctime(%k,n) | if (%n > 0) { .var %o = %o %n $iif(%n == 1,minut,minutes) } | .var %n = $asctime(%k,s) | if (%n > 0) { .var %o = %o $iif(%o,e %n,%n) $iif(%n == 1,second,seconds) } | .return %o } } and work very well again! (i added the years) NB: I'm in italy... so i don't know if the gmt work right in other places! I found another bug.. deleting files with a "while"... again if i remember how to reproduce it i'll tell you Sorry for the reports XD!!
Last edited by sagitt; 22/09/10 11:32 PM.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Thanks for your help - if you can, please try to keep your bug reports as simple as possible :-) For example, in your original bug report about $sfile(), it may have been easier to say:
"In Windows 7, using mIRC v7.11, if you use the command //echo $sfile(c:\test.txt) and then select "Desktop" in the places bar, and then press the Open button, it changes the folder location instead of returning the path/filename".
Regarding $gmt(), as far as I am aware this is working correctly in mIRC v7.11. I tested this by running mIRC under Windows 7 and then used the command //echo $gmt($ctime) while changing the timezone in the Windows Time dialog. mIRC displayed the correct GMT value regardless of the timezone I selected.
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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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sorry khaled for my bad dscription, but my english is so bad ^^
anyway when i reproduce the other bug, i'll tell you here