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Mostly harmless
Mostly harmless
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exuseme, Khaled... please look at paltalk application, you will soon realise it has potential to crush mIRC... please enable voice and video features to mirc... on the bases of paltalk, and even more versitile if possible.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Excuse me, redwire.. Please don't tell people who make programs how to do so. The fact is, mirc is designed as a text-only, end of story. The other "neat features" are just that, features.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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what your proposing is already able to be done .. according to a recent post where someone informed us they were working on an addon for mirc that has voice chat ability...... also ... i do believe video chat was already possible for mirc thru another addon ... as i believe The_Game had said he used it ...... altho this was discussed quite awhile ago im not sure if the names are correct ..... but u could try searching the forums here for similar subjects and u might see what im talking about
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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You would be correct on that audio was in the making as of a previous posting, and webcam capabilities are possible through mIRC.
Redwire: As for paltalk...people still use that crap!?
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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excuseme Bill look at linux and, you will soon realize it has the ability to crush windows... please add its features to windows.
You don't see how ridiculous that sounds? If you sent that to Microsoft, at best, that would be posted on someone's office door as the new "office joke." The best way to persuade someone doesn't include alienation and ridicule, at least not in the methods of persuasion I learned. If you want to persuade try basing it on fact instead of saying "if you don't do this mIRC will die". If I were Khaled, I'd ignore your message completely, I know thats what I do when people phrase suggestions like this to me...
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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excuseme Bill look at linux and, you will soon realize it has the ability to crush windows... please add its features to windows.
Bill> Can we buy it? Staff> I don't think so - open something or rather... Bill> Can we code something better? Staff> I don't think so - lets make something pretty though Bill> Can I get the performance I want out of these new pants? Staff> I don't think so - better upgrade, service pack one comes in navy, black, and green
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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exuseme, Khaled... please look at paltalk application, you will soon realise it has potential to crush mIRC...
I have the potential to be God too but like Paltalk crushing mIRC, it's not likely to happen.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I don't understand people that trash talk window so much, and still use the product. DOn't give me that "its too expensive to run linux" either, seeing under their license they must have a free release available.
You people do not realize that despite the trash talk, and bad mouthing windows is still the more secure operating system. Yes, I said it--secure. Take a look at linux, and open source.
As with anything open-source, there are exploit issues. Linux is 100 times more insecure than windows. Windows exploits are not found by looking at a sample of code, or even *most* of the time on purpose. They are from users trying to do one thing, an unexpected result occurs, and they go further with the idea.
If you dislike windows so much, DO NOT USE IT. Simple concept, really. If you feel you can do any better, learn how. Don't critizes somethign you cannot do any better on.
Well, I just got up, and I'm already getting annoyed.. I'll leave off the subject for a little while, until another wise[self-censored] comes in b[censored]ing about how bad windowds is. And again, I'll provide many more exmples proving their disliking is due to peer pressure, and others trash talking so they "hop on the band wagon"....
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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Windows exploits are not found by looking at a sample of code, or even *most* of the time on purpose. Right, so only hax0rs knows about them, and can use them  . In open source, many people looks inside the source, and the problem is fixed very quickly. You don't have to wait for MS to make another security fix. I'm not some Linux/GNU zealot, i use WinXP and it's a good OS imo. So, let's not start another OS war, please.
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Hoopy frood
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How did this thread go from rude suggestion to OS rant? Did anyone even say anything specifically bad about Windows? I can't see it.
Spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, and stupid comments are intentional.
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Hoopy frood
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King, I agree with you to a degree given that there is a Linux alliance that proudly boasts that they are going to release a distro with spyware in it, I admittedly forget the name of the mob though. I think I saw it on SecurityFocus once.
Bear one thing in mind though... You are replying to the wrong user. It was Clockwerx that made the references you have addressed. He sulks about everything and often makes his points in Pidgeon-English which brings to bear the fact that his signature makes more sense than anything he says.
Apart from that, generally I like Windows and use it for just about everything, IE: 99.9% of computer use. Ask anyone who knows me well on the network I use - I am definitely not one to knock Windows. I am pro-Windows and more or less anti-Unix/Linux though I do have a BSD b0x0r gathering dust in one corner of my network so I can make occasional contact with the darkside.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I don't understand people that trash talk window so much, and still use the product. DOn't give me that "its too expensive to run linux" either, seeing under their license they must have a free release available. Umm the GPL license says nothing of the source. If you read the GNU homepage it says "think free as in speech, not free as in beer." If they want to, they can go and sell it for $5000. But what the GPL does say is I can pay the $5000, then I can distribute it to everyone else for free. But the original author is in no way required to provide the software for free.
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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How do you can say that when many Microsoft's server s is run on the Linux ? The Linux is very stable .. And you can take this 4 free .. If Khaled don't do a version 4 Linux .. Its be a big mistake .. I be like to have console version of mirc .. The grafic can't be a good bot because it can't be run in background mode .. On Linux you can run on a remote shell and be happy .. Without fear what it can block .. A linux console version of mIRC will be realy fantastic .. I hope is not to late to do that ..
Sorry 4 my english
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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How do you can say that when many Microsoft's server s is run on the Linux ? If you mean infamous Microsoft's hotmail servers, they were running FreeBSD, but now all is on Windows 2000 as far as i know. If Khaled don't do a version 4 Linux .. Its be a big mistake .. Then, he would have to rewrite GUI to Gtk+, Qt or other toolkit, and complete rewrite of almost every part of mIRC. He would have to do it himself. Besides, you can run mIRC on *nix using Wine. The grafic can't be a good bot because it can't be run in background mode So? mIRC is an IRC client, if you want a bot run eggdrop. Edit: Don't tell me that porting mIRC would be an easy task: (from FAQ) The source code, as of v6.x, is spread across 210 files, is around 125,000 lines of code, and is 3.5Mb in size.
Last edited by MonoSex; 08/05/03 05:40 PM.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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As best said by Chris Farley-- Holy Shnikies!
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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If Khaled don't do a version 4 Linux .. Its be a big mistake ..
Yeah, he's gunna regret it for the rest of his life, we all can see that...
No. Seriously, I don't think he will. How many times in the past has the Linux-mIRC issue been raised?
I run a mIRC bot that has many purposes and I do not see the need to try to dispense with the GUI. mIRC is quite capable of responding to predetermined actions well before the GUI refreshes therefore the "The grafic can't be a good bot because it can't be run in background" just doesn't wash.
If your bot is slow then recode it. :tongue:
Lastly: To your suggestion that Micro$oft runs Linux servers. Granted, they do, however from my observations most large companies run a plethora of server brands EG: Compaq Proliant, Sun, etc and therefore a variety of operating systems to match: Windows 2000 Advanced Server, FreeBSD, Red Hat and Solaris being some of the usual favourites. Using the excuse that one is more stable than another is just plain lame. All of the above work well, are stable, can run for months without human intervention or needing to restart. OS choice usually comes down to what servers or applications you plan on running on it.
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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"If your bot is slow then recode it." - I test at clean mirc(without any scripts&ial off) channel when ~150 bots change the nick .. The mIRC whas dead for 1-2 minute .. Its complete freeze .. (Celeron 333 - 96 Ram - Win. 98Se). For mIRC the change of nick is very danger .. 99% of the procesor resource is take by mirc ..
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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All programmes use 90%+ resources when being thrashed. If it was me I would be paying attention to my system and how healthy my Windows install is.
1. A Celeron is not exactly a ballsy processor. There's nothing specifically wrong with them but they suit one purpose and not another. 2. Win9X = memory leak extra-ordinaire. That 96MB of Ram will become about 50 as Windows takes a large slice for itself. 3. How well have you maintained your box? If your disc is fragmented then it will bog down as it searches from north to south for the data it needs. 4. What other tasks does your machine perform while your bot is trying to work?
As a guide I host my bot on Windows 2000 using a Compaq Deskpro with a P200. It's an old and by todays standards a pretty average box. But the install of Windows is fairly recent and I am using the correct version for continual uptime, all security and upgrade patches installed, firewall and anti-virus installed, fresh copy of mIRC V6.03 installed and (I believe) coding of the bot in the simplest and most efficient way which means avoiding global variables and silly dialogue based settings arrangements whereever possible.
The GUI is slow, though on my AMD 1800MHz laptop, I can see the bot join the room a good second before the bot's GUI reacts favourably to it which is what I explained before - yes the GUI can be slow but the actual operation of the scripts in mIRC is nowhere near as slow. Futher I doubt there is a way around that.
BTW: This is the same bot that I once used as a temporary channel protection - Anyone who attempted a channel takeover was instantly k:lined and that is not a single process operation if you want to ban the user in the correct way. I have also used the same bot as a server protection bot on my own private server and could nail multiple connections each with own [email]user@host[/email] with effortless aplomb.