I want make $tripcode() alias, anybody can help me? smile Quote from wiki:
The tripcode function works as follows:

1. Convert the input to Shift JIS.
2. Generate the salt as follows:
1. Take the second and third characters of the string obtained by appending H.. to the end of the input.
2. Replace any characters not between . and z with ..
3. Replace any of the characters in :;<=>?@[\]^_` with the corresponding character from ABCDEFGabcdef.
3. Call the crypt() function with the input and salt.
4. Return the last 10 characters. (compressional data harvest)

1) no problem. codepages, with Shift JIS. just using $codepage(tripcode,UTF-8,Shift_JIS)
2.1, 2.2, 2.3 no problem. $+($mid(tripcode,2,2),H.)
3) Anybody can help? smile i don't know about crypt() function.
4) $mid(tripcode,-10)