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#22324 04/05/03 07:41 PM
Joined: May 2003
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Corn Offline OP
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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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I want to have a beep on certain events, but I can only get the beep to come through the speakers, I have tried the sound options, pc speaker beep, and internal beep, but it always reverts to my cound card, is there some command, or some program, maybe som vb scripting even, that i can use to FORCE a bios beep, i get bios beeps when i play scorched earth and some old games, so i know it works, the question is how can i get it to work in windows, on some errors i get a bios beep too.

Any suggestions is greatly appreciated.!!

#22325 04/05/03 10:28 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Well, if you;d like to use an external exe file, here is one I made quickly. All it does is emits a 100Khz tone for 1 second. The source is included, for you to review. You can find it at: http://www.kingtomato.com/mirc/BIOSBEEP.zip

Simple put the exe in your mirc folder, and use /run -n BIOSBEEP.EXE

#22326 04/05/03 10:46 PM
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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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much thanks kingtamato. You made exactly what i was looking for. Thanks man!

#22327 05/05/03 12:18 AM
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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If you want to do without running an an external app.
alias sbeep .comopen beep WScript.Shell | if !$comerr { .comclose beep $com(beep,Run,3,bstr,% $+ comspec% /c ,uint,0,bool,true) }

#22328 05/05/03 01:22 AM
Joined: May 2003
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Corn Offline OP
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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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wow nice! THANKS YOU BOTH.

for anyone interested i found another program witch you can do beeps. you can change the pitch and the length and even make yer own batch file and make a song. It is an external freeware program.


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