I imagine it's possible, but I seem to recall people posting messages that are almost the opposite of this, due to the fact that their system(s) were lagging with a high line limit there and a large number of windows open.
I was on a Pentium 3 @ 1Ghz, with 512MB RAM on Windows XP, and I would use the " 30,000 " limit on 25 channels across 7 networks and keep mIRC opened for a week or two. I know all about the system lag ( using 6.35 - 7.04 beta on the Pentium 3). But now, I am on a more powerful machine ( two physical xeon single cores @ 2Ghz, 1GB RAM, Windows XP ) ( using 7.06 beta ). I only use this machine for mIRC, nothing else.
Additionally, if you have logging enabled, then that information is stored in the appropriate log.
Yeah, I know that, but I like scrolling through the buffer sometimes. I do not like opening the log while in the active channels, as i get a little message like this whenever something happens in the channel.
I am using Notepad++ in this image
While I have no objections to having a maximum level increased, it seems to me that you may be one of few people that would take advantage of this.
I agree with you 100%. All of the networks I am on, only a few of the people keep their mIRC opened for weeks at a time.