This feature is (already) present in the current 7.x beta.
Exactly how does mIRC determine where to wrap messages when sending one?
If memory serves, there are some variables which complicate this:
1) Your maximum message length is affected by your nick, ident, hostname, and the name of the channel you're on. In other words, IRC servers don't enforce maximum length limits on message text, but rather upon the entire server event text: in "
:nick!~ident@ PRIVMSG #channel :message here", the part in red counts against your maximum message length.
2) Maximum event text length may vary by IRC server daemon or daemon configuration. (This is from personal experience; the IRC RFCs probably say otherwise, but, hey...)
3) I am unaware of any IRCd 005 token which states what the current server's maximum event text length is.
So, as far as I can figure it, for each specific IRC server, mIRC would have to send a very long test string through the server to itself to determine maximum event text length. Then it would have to factor the length of the user's nick/ident/hostname/channel_name in outgoing messages when determining where to wrap. Plus this would all have to be re-calculated for each channel joined -- or for any time the user changed his nick.
Just curious.