Ok I have been using the script from Horstl:
I tried the:
if (Twitter Update isin $strip($1-)) && (!%twitter.updated) {
echo #newbox $1-
set -eu5 %twitter.updated x
elseif (%twitter.updated) {
echo #newbox $1-
unset %twitter.updated
elseif (
http://twitter.com/ScoobeeDoo isin $strip($1-)) { echo #newbox $1- }
and it works real fine
but now the situation has changed and I have 4 lines to echo, with the 1st and 4th same as before and now I need to not only echo line 2 but now a line 3 into #newbox as before.
<nick> Twitter Update - Tue Feb 9, 2010, 3:28pm
<nick> changing twitter message 2nd line << (note: this line can be anything in a standard twitter message)
<nick> changing twitter message 3rd line << (note: this line can be anything in a standard twitter message)
http://twitter.com/ScoobeeDoo Would I simply add another <echo #newbox $1-> to the script so it looks like this now to catch the 2nd and 3rd lines:
elseif (%twitter.updated) {
echo #newbox $1-
echo #newbox $1-
unset %twitter.updated
Would that catch the additional 3rd line or do I need to do some other trick?
Thanks again