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#218821 25/02/10 07:56 PM
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Deep3D Offline OP
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on ^*:text:*:#: {
  if ($me isin $1-) { echo -lt $chan < $+ 5 $+ $nick $+  $+ > $1- | haltdef }
  if ($ip isin $1-) { echo -lt $chan < $+ 5 $+ $nick $+  $+ > $1- | haltdef }
  else return

When I use this code the channel wount highlight, what can I do to make the channel highlight when someone write $me og $ip

Last edited by Deep3D; 25/02/10 10:33 PM.
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Deep3D Offline OP
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Its not the script, I dont understand this. I've tryed everything, but the words I add for highlight dont highligh. No reaction... Tryed with a fresh install of mIRC also. It it just me being lame?

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Why didn't you use mirc's built-in highlight feature to have the nick or message highlighted? It comes with the setting of sound play and tip balloon etc...The feature can be found via the address book under the highlight tab. When adding, just put the $me identifier to be highlight. The custom text event is, to me, not needed.

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Deep3D Offline OP
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I know, it do not work.. It did before, I use the script to make a nice output like:

* <nick_that_types_&me> Hello Deep3D.

insted of:

* <nick_that_types_&me> Hello Deep3D.

I like the firs output best.

I have configured it under Address Book in Highlight, and also in mIRC options -Display. I can simply dont understand why it wount work! frown

Is there any other place thats "hidden", yes I know. It most likly is not. smile

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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This works for me:
on ^$*:text:$(/(\Q $+ $me $+ \E| $+ $ip $+ )/iS):#: {
  echo -bfilmt # < $+ 5 $+ $nick(#,$nick).pnick $+  $+ > $1- | haltdef

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Deep3D Offline OP
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it works perfect, also my other script works fine as well. But my problem is that the icon on the windows startmeny tray dosen't flash, and the channel name does not change color, and also do not flash. It used to work before!!

Download the script and se if you can find the problem. confused

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Have you checked mirc's Display (via its options) and ensured the "Blink icons" is ticked? Expand the Display to Options and then select the "Tray" button, where "Animated icon when there is activity" should be ticked. And there are Event, Message, and Highlight where you can adjust the colors that you want.

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Deep3D Offline OP
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I have done all that, if you download the script then all the settings are just how mine are here. Im adjusting and fixing it, and can't figure out this.

Its almost funny, but not really. Ive used alot of time on this issue!

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Deep3D Offline OP
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I found the problem! It now works smooth.

But one more question in Highlight Address Book. In the message box, where you can write a message if highlighted. What to write if i want the nickname that trigget the higelight to flash.

Eg message: $nick #channel

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Sorry, don't know why I didn't see your last reply as an unread message next time I looked.

Anyhow, in the Highlight section, there's dropdown box where you can select message, nickname or both. Select nickname.

Enter the nickname that you want to be matched in the box "Highlight lines that contain these words"

Note: If you want it to match your nick, so that you get a highlight when someone says your nick, you can enter $me into that field.

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