Lol, no problem, we all started from the beginning, right?
You see this code I gave you in box?
Well, you are supposed to place that code in mIRC Scripts Editor, which can be found in Tools menu: Tools - Scripts Editor. In Scripts Editor, click File - New, and paste this code I gave you:
on *:START: {
nick nick1
server -m
nick nick2
server -m
nick nick3
on *:NOTICE:This nickname*:*: if ($nick == NickServ) ns identify mypasswordgoeshere
on *: NOTICE:Password accepted*:*: {
if ($network == network1) join #Channel1
if ($network == network2) join #Channel2
if ($network == network3) join #Channel3
You may have noticed red parts. These you will have to edit yourself with specific info. So nick1 would be your username on server1, nick2 for server2 etc... If you are still unable to solve this, just post down your servers and your nicks you want to connect to on mIRC startup.