alias emailer { /dialog -md email email }
; SS Email Client
dialog email {
title "SS Mail Client v1.0"
size -1 -1 320 405
icon 1, 5 365 36 36,$mircdirEmailer\ssicon.bmp
text SS Emailer 1.0 , 2, 45 370 200 20
text "By Aaron", 3, 45 385 200 20
box "" ,10,5 0 310 70
icon 11,40 15 32 32, $mircdirEmailer\mail - setup.ico
icon 12,110 15 32 32, $mircdirEmailer\mail - inbox.ico
icon 13,180 15 32 32, $mircdirEmailer\mail - outbox.ico
icon 14,250 15 32 32, $mircdirEmailer\mail - exit.ico
text "Settings" ,15,35 50 42 15,center
text "In Box" ,16,105 50 42 15,center
text "Out Box" ,17,175 50 42 15,center
text "Exit" ,18,245 50 42 15,center
text "Sender:" ,301,10 84 40 15
text "To:" ,302,10 104 40 15
text "Subject:" ,303,10 124 40 15
edit "" ,304,55 80 180 20
edit "" ,305,55 100 180 20
edit "" ,306,55 120 180 20
edit "" ,307,10 150 300 160,multi vsbar return
icon 308,260 85 32 32, $mircdirEmailer\mail - send.ico
text "Send Mail" ,309,252 120 48 15,center
box "Status" ,20,5 315 310 40
text "" ,21,15 332 290 15
text "" ,50,15 90 290 200
box "Account Info" ,110,5 100 310 190
text "Email:" ,100,30 134 70 15
text "Username:" ,101,30 154 70 15
text "POP3 Server:",102,30 174 70 15
text "Password:" ,103,30 194 70 15
text "SMTP Server:",104,30 214 70 15
edit "" ,105,100 130 180 20
edit "" ,106,100 150 180 20
edit "" ,107,100 170 180 20
edit "" ,108,100 190 180 20,passwd
edit "" ,109,100 210 180 20
button "Save" ,111, 20 250 80 25
button "Restore" ,112,120 250 80 25
button "Clear All" ,113,220 250 80 25
text "From:" ,201,10 84 40 15
text "Subject:" ,202,10 104 40 15
text "Content:" ,203,10 124 40 15
text "X-Mailer:" ,204,10 144 40 15
text "Date:" ,205,10 164 40 15
edit "" ,206,55 80 180 20,autohs
edit "" ,207,55 100 180 20,autohs
edit "" ,208,55 120 180 20,autohs
edit "" ,209,55 140 180 20,autohs
edit "" ,210,55 160 180 20,autohs
edit "" ,211,10 190 300 118,multi vsbar return
icon 212,260 85 32 32, $mircdirEmailer\mail - check.ico
text "Check Mail" ,213,249 120 54 15,center
icon 214,260 110 32 32, $mircdirEmailer\mail - exit.ico
text "Get This Mail" ,215,244 145 64 15,center
combo 216,245 80 70 90,sort,extsel,size,vsbar,drop
button "Close Mailbox"217,240 160 75 20
button "Close" ,99,260 370 50 25
button "Ok Hidden" ,98,400 400 10 10, OK
on *:DIALOG:email:init:*: {
if (%Group.sounds == On) { splay -q SSClick1.wav }
did -t email 99 | did -f email 11
did -h email 98
.sockclose email
.sockclose emailchk
did -m email 206,207,208,209,210,211
Set %SSmail.Working No
did -h email 100,101,102,103,104,105,106,107,108,109,110,111,112,113,201,202,203,204,205,206,207,208,209,210,211,212,213,214,215,216,217,301,302,303,304,305,306,307,308,309
if (%SSMail.Email == $null) || (%SSMail.Username == $null) || (%SSMail.POP3 == $null) || (%SSMail.Password == $null) || (%SSMail.SMTP == $null) {
did -a email 50 Welcome To SS Email Client. $crlf $crlf Warning, some account info are not correctly setted. $crlf $crlf Please go to Settings and complete them. $crlf $crlf Thanks.
else { did -a email 50 Welcome To SS Email Client 1.0. $crlf $crlf Hello %SSMail.Email $+ , you have successfully $crlf completed your account info. $crlf $crlf Now, you can start to use this Email Client. $crlf $crlf Enjoy It!. }
did -a email 105 %SSMail.Email | did -a email 106 %SSMail.Username | did -a email 107 %SSMail.POP3 | did -a email 108 %SSMail.Password | did -a email 109 %SSMail.SMTP | did -a email 304 %SSMail.Email
on *:DIALOG:email:sclick:*: {
if ($did == 99) {
if (%SSMail.Working == Yes) { halt }
did -a email 21 Good Bye!!!... | sockclose email | sockclose emailchk | dialog -x email email
if ($did == 11) && (%SSMail.Working != Yes) { did -v email 100,101,102,103,104,105,106,107,108,109,110,111,112,113 | did -h email 50,201,202,203,204,205,206,207,208,209,210,211,212,213,214,215,216,217,301,302,303,304,305,306,307,308,309 }
if ($did == 12) && (%SSMail.Working != Yes) { did -h email 50,100,101,102,103,104,105,106,107,108,109,110,111,112,113,301,302,303,304,305,306,307,308,309 | did -v email 201,202,203,204,205,206,207,208,209,210,211,212,213 }
if ($did == 13) && (%SSMail.Working != Yes) { did -h email 50,100,101,102,103,104,105,106,107,108,109,110,111,112,113,201,202,203,204,205,206,207,208,209,210,211,212,213,214,215,216,217 | did -v email 301,302,303,304,305,306,307,308,309 }
if ($did == 14) && (%SSMail.Working != Yes) { did -a email 21 Good Bye!!!... | dialog -x email email | sockclose mail }
if ($did == 111) {
set %SSMail.Email $did(email,105).text | set %SSMail.Username $did(email,106).text | set %SSMail.POP3 $did(email,107).text
set %SSMail.Password $did(email,108).text | set %SSMail.SMTP $did(email,109).text | did -a email 21 Almost Saved... | did -r email 304 | did -a email 304 %SSMail.Email
if ($did == 112) {
did -r email 105,106,107,108,109 | did -a email 105 %SSMail.Email | did -a email 106 %SSMail.Username
did -a email 107 %SSMail.POP3 | did -a email 108 %SSMail.Password | did -a email 109 %SSMail.SMTP
did -a email 21 Last Saved Configuration Restored... | did -r email 304 | did -a email 304 %SSMail.Email
if ($did == 113) { did -r email 105,106,107,108,109 | did -a email 21 Almost Cleared... }
if ($did == 308) && (%SSMail.Working != Yes) {
if ($did(email,305).text == $null) { error Recipient Missing | halt }
if ($did(email,306).text == $null) { error Subject Missing | halt }
if ($did(email,307).text == $null) { error Message or Data Missing | halt }
if (%SSMail.Email == $null) || (%SSMail.Username == $null) || (%SSMail.POP3 == $null) || (%SSMail.Password == $null) || (%SSMail.SMTP == $null) { error Some account info are not setted correctly. | halt }
did -b email 304,305,306,307,99 | Set %SSmail.Working Yes | unset %SSmail.temp
sockopen email %SSmail.SMTP 25 | did -a email 21 Sending Mail... | halt
if ($did == 212) && (%SSMail.Working != Yes) {
if (%SSMail.Email == $null) || (%SSMail.Username == $null) || (%SSMail.POP3 == $null) || (%SSMail.Password == $null) || (%SSMail.SMTP == $null) { error Some account info are not setted correctly. | halt }
did -h email 212,213 | did -b email 99 | set %SSmail.Working Yes | set %SSmail.Action Login | unset %SSMail.tmp | unset %SSMail.temp
sockopen emailchk %SSmail.POP3 110 | did -a email 21 Checking Mail... | halt
if ($did == 214) && (%SSMail.Reading != On) {
if ($did(email,216).text == $null) { error Select a message number from the combo box | halt }
if ($did(email,216).text != $null) { did -r email 206,207,208,209,210,211 | sockwrite -n emailchk retr $gettok($did(email,216).text,1,120) | did -b email 216 | set %SSMail.Reading On | did -a email 21 Retriving mail number $gettok($did(email,216).text,1,120) of $gettok($did(email,216).text,2,120) Bytes... }
if ($did == 217) { sockclose emailchk | beep | did -v email 212,213 | Set %SSmail.Working No | did -h email 214,215,216,217 | did -a email 21 Mailbox Closed... | did -e email 99 }
on *:sockopen:emailchk: {
if ($sockerr == 4) { did -a email 21 Error while checking mail: Connection refused. | sockclose emailchk | beep | did -v email 212,213 | Set %SSmail.Working No | halt }
if ($sockerr == 3) { did -a email 21 Error while checking mail: Unable to connect. | sockclose emailchk | beep | did -v email 212,213 | Set %SSmail.Working No | halt }
on *:sockread:emailchk:{
if ($sockerr > 0) return
sockread %SSMail.temp
if ($sockbr == 0) return
if (%SSMail.temp == $null) { %SSmail.temp = - }
SSMail.Check %SSMail.temp
goto loop
alias SSmail.Check {
if ($1 == -ERR) { did -a email 21 Server error: $2- | sockclose emailchk | beep | did -v email 212,213 | Set %SSmail.Working No | halt }
if (%SSmail.Action == Login) {
if ($1 == +OK) {
inc %SSMail.tmp 1
if (%SSmail.tmp == 1) { sockwrite -n emailchk user %SSMail.username | did -a email 21 Sending username... }
if (%SSmail.tmp == 2) { sockwrite -n emailchk pass %SSMail.password | did -a email 21 Sending password... }
if (%SSmail.tmp == 3) { sockwrite -n emailchk stat | did -a email 21 Retriving mailbox info... }
if (%SSmail.tmp == 4) {
if ($2 == 0) { did -a email 21 You dont have any emails... | sockclose emailchk | beep | did -v email 212,213 | Set %SSmail.Working No | did -e email 99 | unset %SSmail.tmp | halt }
else { did -a email 21 Retriving info of $2 mails and $3 bytes | set %SSmail.Action LIST | sockwrite -n emailchk list | unset %SSmail.tmp }
if (%SSmail.Action == LIST) {
if ($1 == $chr(46)) { did -a email 21 Finished getting mailbox info, choose a mail to read... | set %SSmail.Action READ | did -h email 212,213 | did -v email 214,215,216,217 }
else { if ($1 isnum) { did -a email 216 $1 x $2 } }
if (%SSmail.Action == READ) {
if ($1 == $chr(46)) { did -a email 21 Finished retriving this message | unset %SSmail.retr* | did -e email 216 | set %SSMail.Reading Off }
if ($1 == From $+ $chr(58)) { did -o email 206 1 $2- | did -a email 21 Retriving Message Body... }
if ($1 == Subject $+ $chr(58)) { did -o email 207 1 $2- }
if ($1 == Content-Type $+ $chr(58)) { did -o email 208 1 $2- }
if ($1 == X-Mailer $+ $chr(58)) { did -o email 209 1 $2- }
if ($1 == Date $+ $chr(58)) { did -o email 210 1 $2- }
if (%SSmail.retrmsg == on) {
inc %SSmail.retrline 1
did -i email 211 %SSmail.retrline $1-
if ($1 == Status $+ $chr(58)) { set %SSmail.Retrmsg on | did -a email 21 Retrieving Message... }
on *:sockopen:email:{
if ( $sockerr > 0 ) { did -a email 21 Error while sending mail. | sockclose mail | beep | did -e email 304,305,306,307,99 | Set %SSmail.Working No | halt }
set %SSMail.i 0
on *:sockread:email:{
sockread %SSMail
SSMail.Read %SSMail
alias SSMail.Read {
inc %SSMail.i
set %SSMail.raw $left($1,3)
if (%SSMail.i == 1) && (%SSMail.raw != 220) { did -a email 21 Error while sending mail. | sockclose email | beep | did -e email 304,305,306,307,99 | Set %SSmail.Working No | halt }
if ($left(%SSMail.,1) == 5) { did -a email 21 Error while sending: $1- | sockclose email | beep | did -e email 304,305,306,307,99 | Set %SSmail.Working No | halt }
if (%SSMail.raw == 220) && (%SSMail.i == 1) {
did -a email 21 Connected...
sockwrite -n email HELO $host
if (%SSMail.i == 2) { sockwrite -n email MAIL FROM: %SSMail.Email }
if (%SSMail.i == 3) { sockwrite -n email RCPT TO: $did(email,305).text }
if (%SSMail.i == 4) {
sockwrite -n email DATA
sockwrite -n email X-Mailer: SS Email Client 1.0
sockwrite -n email FROM: %SSMail.Email
sockwrite -n email TO: $did(email,305).text
sockwrite -n email Subject: $did(email,306).text
inc %SSMail.temp 1
if (%SSMail.temp > 100) { goto end }
if ($did(email,307,%SSMail.temp) != $null) { sockwrite -n email $did(email,307,%SSMail.temp) }
goto loop
sockwrite -n email .
.timer 1 1 sockclose email
did -a email 21 Mail successfully sent!
did -e email 304,305,306,307,99 | Set %SSmail.Working No | unset %SSmail.temp
if (%SSMail.i == 5) sockwrite -n email QUIT