on *:text:*:#: {
if (%repflood != disabled) && ($me isop $chan) {
var %rp.repeats = rp. $+ $nick $+ . $+ $chan
var %rp.text = rp. $+ $nick $+ . $+ $chan $+ .text
if ( % [ $+ [ %rp.repeats ] ] == $null ) {
set -u [ $+ [ %rep_time ] ] % [ $+ [ %rp.repeats ] ] 1
set -u [ $+ [ %rep_time ] ] % [ $+ [ %rp.text ] ] $1-
elseif ( % [ $+ [ %rp.text ] ] == $1- ) {
inc % [ $+ [ %rp.repeats ] ]
elseif ( % [ $+ [ %rp.text ] ] != $1- ) {
set -u [ $+ [ %rep_time ] ] % [ $+ [ %rp.text ] ] $1-
set -u [ $+ [ %rep_time ] ] % [ $+ [ %rp.repeats ] ] 1
if ( % [ $+ [ %rp.repeats ] ] >= %rep_antal ) {
if (%repflood == 1) { ban $+(-u,$calc(%temp.ban * 60)) $chan $nick 3 }
kick $chan $nick $eval(%rep.flood,2) $kcs
unset %rp. $+ $nick $+ . $+ $chan
unset %rp. $+ $nick $+ . $+ $chan $+ . $+ text
Disable the script.
/set %repflood disabled
Ban the user repeating
/set %repflood 1
How long time the ban should last (in minutes)
/set %temp.ban
Will kick the user, but not ban.
/set %repflood 0
Amount of repeats. (in your case 5)
/set %rp.repeats 5
Repeats during how long time. (in minutes)
/set %rep_time 1
I don't think i missed anything, untested tho. And the code goes in to your remote.. ALT + R in mirc.