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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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alias sort {
filter -a @values @sorted sort1
alias sort1 {
if ($1 < $2) return 1
elseif ($1 > $2) return -1
else return 0
} ^ Example of what I am doing. The problem is, it is sorting 7.78 above 10.2, etc. Example: 7.78 5.56 4.43 2.34 10.5 1.02 It is like it has no regard to decimal place. How do I fix this without changing 7.78 to 07.78, etc. Thanks!
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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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Just tried:
/filter -tu 6 9 @values @sorted
I got the same results as before.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Use filter -wwteu 1 32 @value @sorted
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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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I am still getting the same results using -wwteu
-wwteu = window in, window out, sort, descending, numeric sort
Still same results.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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//window @sorted | window @values | tokenize 32 7.78 5.56 4.43 2.34 10.5 1.02 | aline @values $* | filter -wwteu 1 32 @values @sorted This should work.
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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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Wow, yes that works, but how I am doing it it is not working. filter -wwteu 6 9 @UK_values @UK_temp The windows are opened normally: /window @UK_values, etc. Ex. of what is in that window: Achilles Priest (120:129) 31581 36721 5140 16.275609 ^ All seperated by $chr(9) 'Tabs' Why is it tabbed? Because the actual window it will end up in has tabbing for organization of the information, as well as other summaries of the data that would jack up the /filter so I put it in a hidden window @UK_values that way i can jsut sort that, then reload the values to be displayed.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Hum ok, I've noticed that numbers with decimal value in your example are the 7th token (space separated), not the 6th, could it be the problem ?
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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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'Priest (120:129)' is in one column, so the 6th column is correct for sorting that particular column, however, this happens with the other colums as well:
910 90346 89992345 88567 567 5578 etc.
The data is aline'd normally in a -l -t10,etc. window seperated by $chr(9) for tabbing. I don't get it.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Could you perhaps paste your entire script? Whatever I do I can't recreate your behaviour. Also, what mIRC version are you using? //echo -a $version $os $md5($mircexe,2) $dll(0) $script(0) $com(0) What does this code return?
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Try to not use -t for /window because /filter use $chr(9) to know which column he has to check,
#mircscripting @ irc.swiftirc.net == the best mIRC help channel
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Try to not use -t for /window because /filter use $chr(9) to know which column he has to check, Even if I use his -t10 switch, I still get a normal sort.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Ok, I couldn't test this myself
#mircscripting @ irc.swiftirc.net == the best mIRC help channel
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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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Could you perhaps paste your entire script? Whatever I do I can't recreate your behaviour. Also, what mIRC version are you using? //echo -a $version $os $md5($mircexe,2) $dll(0) $script(0) $com(0) What does this code return? Returns: 6.35 XP 2f63a83968f9586fe4fb48134253619c 0 18 0
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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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I was going to clean this up before I showed it to anyone but I am in a time crunch and my wife is bickering at me to go somewhere with her so I wanted to post so hopefully will have a response when I get home. Be gentle. >.<
; UK Tool
alias ukt {
if (!$dialog(uk.tool)) dialog -md uk.tool uk.tool
else dialog -v uk.tool uk.tool
dialog uk.tool {
title "UK Tool v1.01"
size -1 -1 153 84
option dbu
tab "Format", 5, -2 -15 193 128
edit "", 29, 1 12 151 72, tab 5 multi return autohs autovs vsbar
combo 32, 2 0 149 50, tab 5 sort size drop
tab "Progress", 15
list 1, 1 1 75 50, tab 15 size
list 2, 77 1 75 50, tab 15 size
button "Compare", 3, 114 53 37 12, tab 15 flat
menu "File", 17
menu "Tools", 33, 17
item "Formatter", 34, 33
item "Comparator", 35, 33
item break, 90, 17
item "Format and Save", 36, 17
item "Load Selected", 37, 17
item break, 91, 17
item "Paste Data", 38, 17
item "Clear Data", 39, 17
item break, 92, 17
item "Exit", 40, 17, cancel
menu "Help", 18
item "View Help", 25, 18
item "About..", 26, 18
on 1:dialog:uk.tool:init:0:{
did -ra $dname 29 Paste data here!
on 1:dialog:uk.tool:menu:*:{
echo -a MENU ID: $did
if ($did == 34) {
did -f $dname 5
did -e $dname 36,37,38,39
elseif ($did == 35) {
did -f $dname 15
did -b $dname 36,37,38,39
elseif ($did == 36) uk.format
elseif ($did == 37) {
if ($did(32).seltext != New File..) {
var %f $+($scriptdir,$did(32).seltext)
did -r $dname 29
loadbuf $calc($lines(%f) -1) -o uk.tool 29 $shortfn(%f)
elseif ($did == 38) {
did -r $dname 29
elseif ($did == 39) did -r $dname 29
elseif ($did == 18) {
;help file
elseif ($did == 26) {
echo 4 -ta UK Tool v1.01 by napalm [17/MAY/2009]
on *:dialog:uk.tool:sclick:*:{
echo -a CLICK: $did
if ($did == 32) {
if ($did(32).seltext == New File..) did -n $dname 29
else did -m $dname 29
elseif ($did == 3) { if ($window(@UK_Tool)) clear @UK_Tool | uk.compare }
on 1:close:@UK_Tool:{
close -@ @UK*
unset %UK_win_*
;======== aliases =========
alias uk.paste {
var %x 1
while ($cb(%x)) {
did -a uk.tool 29 $ifmatch $+ $crlf
inc %x
alias ukf return $+(",$scriptdir,UKT_,$$1,GMT.txt")
alias -l uk.format {
var %time $gmt , %f $ukf($asctime(%time,ddmmmyy_HH-nn-ss_))
window -h @uk.temp
filter -ik uk.tool 29 uk.fmt2
did -r uk.tool 29
filter -wo @uk.temp uk.tool 29
write %f %time
filter -if uk.tool 29 %f
close -@ @uk.temp
alias -l uk.fmt2 {
tokenize 9 $1
echo @uk.temp $1 $+ $chr(9) $+ $remove($deltok($2,2,32),$chr(44))
alias uk.filecombo {
did -r uk.tool 1,2,32
var %x 1
did -a uk.tool 32 New File..
while ($findfile($scriptdir,UKT_*.txt,%x)) {
did -a uk.tool 1,2,32 $nopath($ifmatch)
inc %x
alias ukc.buffer {
clear @UK_Tool
aline $color(background) @UK_Tool $1 $2
aline @UK_Tool From: $asctime($1,dd mmm yy - HH:nn:ss) $chr(9) $chr(9) $chr(9) 4RED = No Change
aline @UK_Tool To: $asctime($2,dd mmm yy - HH:nn:ss) $chr(9) $chr(9) $chr(9) 2BLUE = New User
aline @UK_Tool Span: $duration($calc($2 - $1))
aline @UK_Tool $chr(160)
aline @UK_Tool Rank $chr(9) User $chr(9) Old Exp $chr(9) New Exp $chr(9) Exp Gained $chr(9) $+ $chr(37) $+ Change
aline @UK_Tool $chr(160)
alias ukc.hilight {
if (!$1) return 02
elseif (!$2) return 04
alias uk.compare {
var %f1 $shortfn($+($scriptdir,$did(1).seltext)) , %f2 $shortfn($+($scriptdir,$did(2).seltext))
var %fnew , %fold , %x 1 , %nexp 0 , %oexp 0 , %dexp 0 , %prexp 0 , %n , %r , %h
if (!$window(@UK_Tool)) {
window -lk0 -t12,42,52,62,77 @UK_Tool "Courier New" 14
titlebar @UK_Tool - Data Comparison
if (!$window(@UK_values)) window -lh @UK_values
else clear @UK_values
if ($read(%f1,1) > $read(%f2,1)) { %fnew = %f2 | %fold = %f1 }
else { %fnew = %f2 | %fold = %f1 }
echo -s $asctime(%f1,yymmdd) $asctime(%f1,yymmdd)
ukc.buffer $read(%fold,0) $read(%fnew,0)
while ($read(%fnew,%x)) {
tokenize 9 $ifmatch
%n = $gettok($gettok($1,1,40),-1,32)
%r = $iif($numtok($1,32) >= 3,$gettok($1,-3-1,32))
%nexp = $2
%oexp = $gettok($read(%fold,r,$+(\s,%n,\s)),2,9)
%dexp = $calc(%nexp - %oexp)
%prexp = $calc((%dexp / %oexp) * 100)
%h = $ukc.hilight(%oexp,%prexp)
aline %h @UK_Tool %r $chr(9) $gettok($1,-2--1,32) $chr(9) %oexp $chr(9) %nexp $chr(9) $iif(%oexp,%dexp,0) $chr(9) $iif($len($int(%prexp)) == 1,0) $+ %prexp
aline %h @UK_values %r $chr(9) $gettok($1,-2--1,32) $chr(9) %oexp $chr(9) %nexp $chr(9) $iif(%oexp,%dexp,0) $chr(9) $iif($len($int(%prexp)) == 1,0) $+ %prexp
inc %x
set %UK_win_sort -ne
set %UK_win_sort_t 0
alias uk.sort {
var %m 0 , %i , %t %UK_win_sort
if ($findtok(-ra -us -oe -ne -ge -pr,%t,1,32)) {
%i = $v1 | %m = -tz $+ $iif(%i > 2,ue) %i 9
else return
ukc.buffer $line(@UK_Tool,1)
filter %m @UK_values @UK_Tool
;====== Popups ======
menu @UK_Tool {
Sort by..
.$iif(%UK_win_sort == -pr,$style(1)) $+($chr(37),Change):set %UK_win_sort -pr | uk.sort
.$iif(%UK_win_sort == -oe,$style(1)) Old Exp:set %UK_win_sort -oe | uk.sort
.$iif(%UK_win_sort == -ne,$style(1)) New Exp:set %UK_win_sort -ne | uk.sort
.$iif(%UK_win_sort == -ge,$style(1)) Gained Exp:set %UK_win_sort -ge | uk.sort
.$iif(%UK_win_sort == -ra,$style(1)) Rank:set %UK_win_sort -ra | uk.sort
.$iif(%UK_win_sort == -us,$style(1)) User:set %UK_win_sort -us | uk.sort
menu channel,status,menubar {
UK Tool:ukt
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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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Example of one of the .txt files it formats/analyzes: 1242558215 Nemesis taian (110:80) 826692 Zeus reas0nabledoubts (46:45) 728188 Atlas Firewall (67:100) 708911 Atlas ziming (183:57) 701795 Atlas oley (80:60) 671597 Asclepius Arman (177:74) 663031 Atlas Obama (109:13) 657537 Atlas xajdyk (77:43) 638589 Atlas xxxJKxxx (43:21) 581583 Achilles Wulfgar (23:83) 579112 Atlas jessus23 (65:105) 572166
ok really gotta go, bbl
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Ok, I can't fully analyze your code since I don't know what values some variables have. However, it's become clear to me your are not correct in sorting the 6th column separated by char 9. Sorting the wrong column will result in what you see happening. This points to a bug in secondary sorting though, in my opinion. See what happens when you sort on "5 9" or "7 9". The first one is more likely.
P.S. In your last example of text format, you would of course expect the filter sort to be done for "3 9" and not "6 9" since there are only 3 columns there (unfortunately -1 is not supported as an Nth column value).
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I just noticed that as one of the temporary steps, the data seems to be tokenized by char 9 and then filtered. This effectively causes tab chars to be lost in the custom window. This would result in the line... Achilles Priest (120:129) 31581 36721 5140 1.02 ... to only contain spaces inbetween and sorting of the last value to simply become... /filter -wwtue 7 32 @value @sorted
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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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Ok, I can't fully analyze your code since I don't know what values some variables have. However, it's become clear to me your are not correct in sorting the 6th column separated by char 9. Sorting the wrong column will result in what you see happening. This points to a bug in secondary sorting though, in my opinion. See what happens when you sort on "5 9" or "7 9". The first one is more likely.
P.S. In your last example of text format, you would of course expect the filter sort to be done for "3 9" and not "6 9" since there are only 3 columns there (unfortunately -1 is not supported as an Nth column value). There is a popup for that window that sorts different colums, and regardless of the column sorted, it is still sorted, but incorrectly. Also, the only /tokenize 9 i did is when formatting the .txt file (which is the 'last example of text format) because it is two values seperated by $chr(9) example: Achillies UserName (1:1) $chr(9) 1000000 So I tokenize it when reading it in to be formatted easier. The output of that routine is what is put into the windows seperated by $chr(9) for tabbing. Also, the /filter does not 'lose' the $chr(9) and output as spaces, if it did, it would be highly noticeable.
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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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Paste this code into an empty file and type /jack The aliases txt.jack and txt.old.jack are emulating what the actual text files would return. (Except old jack he's just returning the old exp values). Right click in the @Window and sort the different columns. Edit the exp vaules in the txt.jack aliases if you need clearer examples.
alias jack {
if (!$window(@UK_Tool)) {
window -lk0 -t12,42,52,62,77 @UK_Tool "Courier New" 14
titlebar @UK_Tool - Data Comparison
if (!$window(@UK_values)) window -lh @UK_values
else clear @UK_values
var %x 1 , %nexp 0 , %oexp 0 , %dexp 0 , %prexp 0 , %n , %r
while ($txt.jack(%x)) {
tokenize 9 $ifmatch
%n = $gettok($gettok($1,1,40),-1,32)
%r = $1
%nexp = $2
%oexp = $txt.old.jack(%x)
%dexp = $calc(%nexp - %oexp)
%prexp = $calc((%dexp / %oexp) * 100)
aline @UK_Tool %r $chr(9) %n $chr(9) %oexp $chr(9) %nexp $chr(9) $iif(%oexp,%dexp,0) $chr(9) %prexp
aline @UK_values %r $chr(9) %n $chr(9) %oexp $chr(9) %nexp $chr(9) $iif(%oexp,%dexp,0) $chr(9) %prexp
inc %x
set %UK_win_sort -ne
alias txt.jack {
if ($1 == 1) return Nemesis taian (110:80) $chr(9) 886692
elseif ($1 == 2) return Zeus reas0nabledoubts (46:45) $chr(9) 928188
elseif ($1 == 3) return Atlas Firewall (67:100) $chr(9) 709911
elseif ($1 == 4) return Atlas ziming (183:57) $chr(9) 705795
elseif ($1 == 5) return Atlas oley (80:60) $chr(9) 711597
else return
alias txt.old.jack {
if ($1 == 1) return 826692
elseif ($1 == 2) return 728188
elseif ($1 == 3) return 708911
elseif ($1 == 4) return 701795
elseif ($1 == 5) return 671597
else return
alias buffer.jack {
clear @UK_tool
aline @UK_Tool $chr(160)
aline @UK_Tool Rank $chr(9) User $chr(9) Old Exp $chr(9) New Exp $chr(9) Exp Gained $chr(9) $+ $chr(37) $+ Change
aline @UK_Tool $chr(160)
alias sort.jack {
var %m 0 , %i , %t %UK_win_sort
if ($findtok(-ra -us -oe -ne -ge -pr,%t,1,32)) {
%i = $v1 | %m = -tz $+ $iif(%i > 2,ue) %i 9
else return
filter %m @UK_values @UK_Tool
menu @UK_Tool {
Sort by..
.$iif(%UK_win_sort == -pr,$style(1)) $+($chr(37),Change):set %UK_win_sort -pr | sort.jack
.$iif(%UK_win_sort == -oe,$style(1)) Old Exp:set %UK_win_sort -oe | sort.jack
.$iif(%UK_win_sort == -ne,$style(1)) New Exp:set %UK_win_sort -ne | sort.jack
.$iif(%UK_win_sort == -ge,$style(1)) Gained Exp:set %UK_win_sort -ge | sort.jack
.$iif(%UK_win_sort == -ra,$style(1)) Rank:set %UK_win_sort -ra | sort.jack
.$iif(%UK_win_sort == -us,$style(1)) User:set %UK_win_sort -us | sort.jack
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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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