Hi i`m making an Auto Op Script for my channel which my bot will use to Op users from a predefined list.
Yes i am aware that mIRC has a built in such option, but to be kind about it ... it doesnt work (Sorry Khaled)
Have looked at the Auto Op option in the mIRC help file, followed it`s instruction and stuff, i have the tick box checked
I have used two different types of wildcard patteren
Both goto my channel #channel and the server address whatnotirc (madeup).
So i decided to script my own.
So far i have
ON *:JOIN:%opchans {
if ($istok(%opnicks,$nick,44)) {
mode $active +ooo $1-3
Ok i`m using variables for the channel and the nicks that join.
These are stored in my remotes.ini file in the variables section.
%opchans #channel
%opnicks Nick1, Nick2
I dont understand why it's not working for either methods, would somebody be able to help me or should i just give up on this mad project of mine.
I have disabled both types of Auto Ops incase there was conflicts but to no avail.
mIRC V6.03