I find it very odd that you consider this a "fight". We're merely asking you to qualify your statements. Making a feature suggestion does not automatically qualify your idea as valid or justified, and it's helpful not only to us but to Khaled to explain *why* this is a necessary request.
This being code in the lower level will speed up the usage, as well as lower the cost of accessing.
However, the cost is too great when you use it a lot.
Please qualify these statements. Have you ever benchmarked mIRC using dlls as a bridge versus a sample application that makes direct calls to a MySQL library? Please share those numbers with us so we can see the actual "cost" you claim exists. If you haven't done so, how are any of these statements justified? Why did you make them? Are you expecting us to believe you at face value?
Efficiency seems to be the entire base of your suggestion and yet you have not shown any actual data to prove it's an issue. How do you know it actually
is an issue? This is what we are questioning... this should not be insulting, this is a question you should be asking yourself. Now I'm sure you put plenty of thought into this suggestion, so I'm sure you have data to share-- please share it, this would help to show an actual need for your suggestion.