I have asked a few people what they would like to see, and one of them was to see the logs when they weren't even in the room.

So, I said I would try, and I tried making a basic script, that people can opt-in to, that will upload logs, and display them on a website.

The script is:
on *:TEXT:*:# {
  if ($read(logs.enabled.txt,w,$chan)) && ($me == no-nick) {
    if ($nick isop $chan) { write "C:\Documents and Settings\Sean's\My Documents\My Dropbox\Public\ $+ $chan $+ $network $+ logs.htm" [ $+ $time $+ ] <@ $+ $nick $+ > $1- <br> }
    elseif ($nick ishop $chan) { write "C:\Documents and Settings\Sean's\My Documents\My Dropbox\Public\ $+ $chan $+ $network $+ logs.htm" [ $+ $time $+ ] <% $+ $nick $+ > $1- <br> }
    elseif ($nick isvop $chan) { write "C:\Documents and Settings\Sean's\My Documents\My Dropbox\Public\ $+ $chan $+ $netowork $+ logs.htm" [ $+ $time $+ ] <+ $+ $nick $+ > $1- <br> }
    elseif { write "C:\Documents and Settings\Sean's\My Documents\My Dropbox\Public\ $+ $chan $+ $network $+ logs.htm" [ $+ $time $+ ] < $+ $nick $+ > $1- <br> }
on *:JOIN:# {
  if ($read(logs.enabled.txt,w,$chan)) && ($me == no-nick) {
    write "C:\Documents and Settings\Sean's\My Documents\My Dropbox\Public\ $+ $chan $+ $network $+ logs.htm" [ $+ $time $+ ] **JOIN** $nick ($address) joined $chan $+ . <br>
on *:PART:# {
  if ($read(logs.enabled.txt,w,$chan)) && ($me == no-nick) {
    write "C:\Documents and Settings\Sean's\My Documents\My Dropbox\Public\ $+ $chan $+ $network $+ logs.htm" [ $+ $time $+ ] **PART** $nick ( $+ $address $+ ) left $chan $+ . <br>

($read(logs.enabled.txt,w,$chan)) is just checking that the channel has opted into it and is controlled by a different script which works.

C:\Documents and Settings\Sean's\My Documents\My Dropbox\Public\ $+ $chan $+ $network $+ logs.htm is the file and the path it needs to write to get uploaded automatically.

And yes, there is another script that will clear the logs on request automatically.

However, when uploaded it appears like this:
seanturner70 ($address) left #DCBTVShow.
seanturner70 ($address) joined #DCBTVShow.
seanturner70 ($address) left #DCBTVShow.
seanturner70 ($address) joined #DCBTVShow.
cooldude13233 ($address) joined #DCBTVShow.
cooldude13233 ($address) joined #DCBTVShow.
cooan07 ($address) joined #DCBTVShow.

I just want to get the basic script to work, then I can add things such as modes being given to people etc, but for now, people would be happy enough with this.

Thank you for all help in advance smile

Last edited by seanturner70; 22/02/09 01:15 PM.