... elseif ($1 == !aop) && ($2 == add) && ($nick *?*) { write $chan $+ .ao.txt $3 | notice $nick $3 has been added to the auto op list. | /mode $chan +o $3 } elseif ($1 == !aop) && ($2 == del) && ($nick *?*) { write -ds $+ $3 $chan $+ .ao.txt $3 | notice $nick $3 has been deleted from the auto op list. | /mode $chan -o $3 } ...
if ($nick(#,$nick,q))
if (~ isin $nick(#,$nick).pnick)
if (& isin $nick(#,$nick).pnick)
if ($nick($chan,$nick,&~))
... elseif ($1 == !vop) && ($2 == add) { write $chan $+ .av.txt $3 | notice $nick $3 has been added to the autovoice list. | /mode $chan +v $3 } elseif ($1 == !vop) && ($2 == del) { write -ds $+ $3 $chan $+ .av.txt $3 | notice $nick $3 has been deleted from the autovoice list. | /mode $chan -v $3 } elseif ($1 == !hop) && ($2 == add) { write $chan $+ .ah.txt $3 | notice $nick $3 has been added to the auto-hop list. | /mode $chan +h $3 } elseif ($1 == !hop) && ($2 == del) { write -ds $+ $3 $chan $+ .ah.txt $3 | notice $nick $3 has been deleted from the auto-hop list. | /mode $chan -h $3 } elseif ($1 == !aop) && ($2 == add) && ($nick(#,$nick,a)) { write $chan $+ .ao.txt $3 | notice $nick $3 has been added to the auto op list. | /mode $chan +o $3 } elseif ($1 == !aop) && ($2 == del) && ($nick(#,$nick,a)) { write -ds $+ $3 $chan $+ .ao.txt $3 | notice $nick $3 has been deleted from the auto op list. | /mode $chan -o $3 } elseif ($1 == !sop) && ($2 == add) && ($nick(#,$nick,q)) { write $chan $+ .so.txt $3 | notice $nick $3 has been added to the auto-administration list. | /mode $chan +ao $3 $3 } elseif ($1 == !sop) && ($2 == del) && ($nick(#,$nick,q)) { write -ds $+ $3 $chan $+ .so.txt $3 | notice $nick $3 has been deleted from the auto-administration list. | /mode $chan -ao $3 $3 } elseif ($1 == !qop) && ($2 == add) && ($nick(#,$nick,q)) { write $chan $+ .qo.txt $3 | notice $nick $3 has been added to the auto-owner list. | /mode $chan +qo $3 $3 } elseif ($1 == !qop) && ($2 == del) && ($nick(#,$nick,q)) { write -ds $+ $3 $chan $+ .qo.txt $3 | notice $nick $3 has been deleted from the auto-owner list. | /mode $chan -qo $3 $3 } ...