I currently have:
on 1:join:#: {
if ($me == no-nick) && ($read( $nick $+ $chan $+ rndmsg.txt )} {
goto $rand(1,2)
:1 | msg $chan Hey $nick $+ ! Remember the time you said: " $+ $read( $nick $+ $chan $+ rndmsg.txt ) $+ "? | return
:2 | msg $chan $nick $+ , Just remember, that things come back to haunt you... I even remember the time you said: " $+ $read( $nick $+ $chan $+ rndmsg.txt ) $+ " | return
(I am planning on making more... just starting it.)
However, when someone joins... it says:
* /if: invalid format (line 7, rnd msg on join)
How can I make it so, if the file exists, to carry on?