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Joined: Dec 2002
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Babel fish
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Babel fish
Joined: Dec 2002
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ON *:TEXT:!command:*:{
  if (%4ignore $+ $nick == $null) {
    /set %4ignore $+ $nick 1
  elseif (%4ignore $+ $nick !== $null) {
    if (%4ignore $+ $nick > 10) {
      /msg $nick Maxed out. You have gone over the allotted msgs
      /msg $nick Ignoring your messages for 5 minutes.
      /ignore -pcntikdu10 $nick $+ !*@*
      /unset %4ignore $+ $nick
      /echo MAX for $nick 
    elseif (%4ignore $+ $nick < 10) {
      /inc -u30 %4ignore $+ $nick 1     

It is supposed to ignore a user if they send a !command too many times, but for some reason, the variable gets up past the limit, but it doesn't do anything.. =/

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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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try /inc before the other commands ?

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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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You have to evaluate the variables to check the value.
on *:TEXT:!command:*:{
  if $eval($+(%,4ignore,$nick),2) > 10 {
    msg $nick Maxed out. You have gone over the allotted msgs
    msg $nick Ignoring your messages for 5 minutes.
    .ignore -u10 $nick
    unset $+(%,4ignore,$nick)
    echo MAX for $nick
  ; Check to see if the -u switch should be used or not.
  if $eval($+(%,4ignore,$nick),2) { inc $+(%,4ignore,$nick) }
  else inc -u30 $+(%,4ignore,$nick)
  ; Here you would put your commands for this event.

The second-last line checks if the var exists, if it does it /inc's it, else the next line does /inc -u30. This is because /inc -u30 adds 30 secs to the unset time each time it is set. If someone were to send !command 10 times, at 20 seconds apart, the vars value will be 10, even though they only used !command twice in any 30 second period.

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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When you combine the variables and a value (such as $nick) u either need an eval or the []'s. Also, your delay for ignore time is set to 10 (meanign seconds, not minutes.. From the help:

The -u# switch specifies a delay in seconds after which the ignore is automatically removed.

Try this..

ON *:TEXT:!command:*:{
  [color:green]; ths "if null" is pointless from the variable perspective.[/color]
  [color:green]; The /inc will make null values default to 1 after being executed[/color]
  /inc -u10 %4ignore [color:red][[/color] $+ [color:red][[/color] $nick [color:red]] ][/color] 1

  [color:green]; check for limit[/color]
  if (%4ignore [color:red][[/color] $+ [color:red][[/color] $nick [color:red]] ][/color] >= 10) {
      /msg $nick Maxed out. You have gone over the allotted msgs
      /msg $nick Ignoring your messages for 5 minutes.
      [color:green]; using address 1 is the same as nick!*@*[/color]
      /ignore -pcntikdu[color:red]300[/color] $address($nick, 1)
      /unset %4ignore [color:red][[/color] $+ [color:red][[/color] $nick [color:red]] ][/color]
      /echo MAX for $nick

i Didnt debug, so if you find an error, let me know, and I'll fix it.

Joined: Dec 2002
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Babel fish
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Babel fish
Joined: Dec 2002
Posts: 83
Thanks everyone!

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