if ON QUIT does not handle it then there is no event for it. You could script the /quit alias.
That's what i trying to do, but cant echo the text to me, then i get it two times, it comes from the server, and don't know how to halt the output the server sends me.
I will test that code.
Someone that know the answer to this one?
on ^*:rawmode:#: {
if ($1 == +o) { theme.op $nick $1- $2 }
alias theme.op {
echo -t $chan $+($clr($theme_color(sysmsg))) $+ $t.op $1 sets mode: $2 $3
the $+($clr($theme_color(sysmsg))) return the color i set, the $t.op return the char i want to show instead of the default *
here comes the problem i need help with.
if $1 is +o , then i send the command to theme.op that will echo the +o event as i want it to look like, but how can i show if more then one mode is in it? like seen on many servers
* nick sets mode: +ov nick1 nick2
i cant have a if ($1 == +ov) for every possible combination. so how can i solve this one?