I making a www page true mirc (stats), but i have a problem i can't solve, if the page exist i need the new one to be named #channel1.htm , but still the first one should be named #channel.htm . as you see i tested to do a rename of the file, but it write up to 20 diffrent files, so i end up with:
and so on, it should only create the file #channel1.htm since the #channel.htm does exist. and does #channel1.htm exist i need it to be #channel2.htm and the next one to #channel3.htm .
how can i solve this? i tested to return the value from pn as follow:
write -c $qt($mircdir\stats\ $+ $1 $+ $pn $+ .htm)
then i write the rest of the lines to the same file.
any ideas on how i can solve this one?
alias testar {
write -c $qt($mircdir\stats\ $+ $1 $+ .htm)
alias pn {
var %dir = $mircdirsystem\stats\, %ext = htm
window -h @found.files
noop $findfile(%dir,$+(*,%ext),0,0,aline @found.files $nopath($1-))
var %match.nr = 1
while ($fline(@found.files,$+(%match.nr))) {
dline @found.files $v1
inc %match.nr
var %nr = 1
while ($line(@found.files,%nr)) {
inc %nr
inc %match.nr
window -c @found.files
return %match.nr