Why use a ini file? a *.txt or *.dat let you search true the file.
;---------- edit
maybe something like this
Usage: /testar word
alias testar {
if ($gettok($read($qt($mircdirfile.dat), w, * $+ $1- $+ *),1,44) == $1) { $gettok($read($qt($mircdirfile.dat), w, * $+ $1 $+ *),2,44) }
By change the 2 the last part ,
2,44) you can get diffrent replyes to the word, and you can use inc and the a %var instead of clean numbers.
on *:text:*:#: { {
if ($gettok($read($qt($mircdirfile.dat), w, * $+ $1- $+ *),1,44) == $1) { echo -a $gettok($read($qt($mircdirfile.dat), w, * $+ $1 $+ *),[color:red]2[/color],44) }
The last code are triggered by the word in the file on a channel.
The file should look like:
word = trigger.
word2 = the 2 in the code you can change.
;--------- edit
played around a bit with the code.
on *:TEXT:*:#:{ {
if (%flood) { halt }
if ($gettok($read($qt($mircdirfile.dat), w, * $+ $1 $+ *),1,44) == $1) {
if (%fpro = 3) { set -u5 %flood 1 | echo -a Ignoring for 5 sec. | unset %fpro }
inc %fpro
inc %xx
if ($gettok($read($qt($mircdirfile.dat), w, * $+ $1 $+ *),%xx,44) == $null) { set %xx 2 }
{ msg $chan $gettok($read($qt($mircdirfile.dat), w, * $+ $1 $+ *),%xx,44) }