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Jupi Offline OP
Pikka bird
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Pikka bird
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an Unreal ircd related request, identifiers for modes a and q, respectively. seems like a better option than doing a /whois on everybody in the channel on join, and alot less annoying to the other IRCops as well.

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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again mirc cannot support every single ircd out there ..... altho id like to see reverse support into unreal for display of thier snomask format so u can query it to get ur current snomask and then use that to create a nice $iff menu to enable and disable them ..... but thats something better meant for asking Unreal to include and not post here ......

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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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you can track +a and +q with the on rawmode event, and request a list of protected users and owners with '/mode <chan> +a' and '/mode <chan> +q' (not sure of the numeric replies, put '/debug -p @debug' on and test it) - mIRC would be able to fully support these modes if they were given a prefix flag.

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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mirc does its best to support any custom modes and it does pretty well. Read this post (better yet the entire thread).

/.timerQ 1 0 echo /.timerQ 1 0 $timer(Q).com
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Well for +a/+q the reason Unreal doesn't use /names prefixes and therefore PREFIX= (yet) is, while mIRC may support it, other clients don't.

And as for what you said, what exactly do you mean with snomask? "reverse support ... for display of their snomasks" ?

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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ok to set the snomask u use +s +snomask modes to set them correct??

now what im wondering is there actually a command that just lists ur snomask modes that are current ..... also an unlisted snomask mode is +s ... which works the same as a normal +s mode from previous i think ck missed it in his docs but um he wont admit to it if he did

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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If you type:
/mode yournick

you get something like:
codemastr +wsx
Server notice mask (+k)

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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yeah i guess i could store the scond half to a hash table or variable and them call it like that to see if one is set on or off ...... didnt really think of it like that ty for the reply

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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If it were up to me, I'd come up with a nicer way to return it, but we based our system (sorta) on ircu and they do it that way, so for the sake of compatibility...

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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yeah i can understand that ..... if it didnt return with the other modes most ppl wouldnt even know the snomask existed ..... just would be nice to get em all in one neat lil package ... but i guess ya cant have it all lol but uve given me a siuggestion on where to start to make it work so again ty ill work with that and see what i come up with

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Jupi Offline OP
Pikka bird
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Pikka bird
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huh... i didn't even know you could request that information with /mode. this will do nicely though laugh
i seem to learn something new every day lol

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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u can return your normal usermodes thru //echo -a $usermode altho i dont think that returns snomask modes thats what i was asking codemastr about ... since he has alil inside info on unreal ..... lol

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Jupi Offline OP
Pikka bird
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Pikka bird
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mmk... i seem to have hit a wall in tracking the modes properly. while you can add onto an existing variable with //set %whatever %whatever blah, you cannot do the same with //set % $+ $2 % $+ $2 $3. inexplicably, this gives me the variable %#chan 13#chan nickname.

well, perhaps it would be better if you knew what exactly i was trying to do... i use on ^*:text/action/input remotes for custom name and mode brackets, and have been trying to think of a way to display the characters ^ and * for protection and owner, respectively, in the channel as part of the mode prefix. before i jump ahead to that, i've been trying to set up variables (for example %q#chan nick1 nick2 nick3) to keep track of who has which modes in what channel. anyhow, this is what i have so far that has taken me into a wall:

raw 386:*:{ set %q $+ $2 %q $+ $2 $3 }
raw 388:*:{ set %a $+ $2 %a $+ $2 $3 }

basically, i was just going to add onto the existing text/action/input triggers with 'if ($nick isin %q $+ $chan) var %ifq *' or something to that effect. i had alot more laid out, but it's completely irrelevant at the moment.

i'm sure i'm just going about this in completely the wrong way, as usual... >_>

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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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You have to evaluate the var before adding to it.

//set %var $+ $date $time
- %var23/04/2003 16:56:46

Now to add to it,
//set %var $+ $date $eval($+(%,var,date),2) $time
//set $+(%,var,$date) $eval($+(%,var,date),2) $time
- %var23/04/2003 16:56:46 16:56:51

raw 386:*:{ set %q $+ $2 $eval($+(%,q,$2),2) $3 }

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Jupi Offline OP
Pikka bird
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Pikka bird
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ah, yes. i tried using $eval earlier, but i used the wrong syntax >_<
i used $eval(%q $+ $2,2) instead of doing it the right way... you can see just how often i've used it in the past.
many thanks lol

Last edited by Jupi; 23/04/03 09:30 AM.

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