Okay, guys, I've been working on a script to invite users once a player left the game. After that it should remove your name from the list and move on to the next person, I would like it first person to !Remember first person paged, So here's how it should work.
1) I'm stuck on removing the player name from the list after he gets invited.
2)Firts person first page basis.
Player B types /page JTeKSvR02 !Remember
It shows up in IRC like this
(JTeKGuarD then sees it and writes Player B to text file remember.txt)
(then Player A left the game so..)
<@JTeKBoT>Player A has left the game.
<@JTeKGuarD>!page PlayerB Hey, a spot is open in JTeKSvR02! Quick! Join!
(JTeKGuarD removes name from list)
on *:TEXT:*!Remember*:#jtekbot: {
write remember.txt $replace($1,:, )
on *:TEXT:*Player*left the game*:#jtekbot: {
if !$read(remember.txt) { halt }
msg $chan !page $replace($1,:, ) A spot is open in JTeKSvR02 quick! join!
I don't know if that's right or not, I can't tell really since I sit in IRC, when I used $nick it only invited you if you said Player ... left the game
Ty. I would like to stay away from variables until I find a good resource on them. If you do know any please tell me.