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#199682 19/05/08 12:03 PM
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bcancer Offline OP
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Anyone have a nicklist color with all these options?
own nick

bcancer #199694 19/05/08 07:21 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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You can customize the nicklist colors using the option through the address book.
nick colors tab

RusselB #199697 19/05/08 07:30 PM
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bcancer Offline OP
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Cant add all I posted through the address book.

bcancer #199698 19/05/08 08:18 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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What can't you add? Admittedly not all of the options you specified are directly accessable via the address book, but in conjunction with the user list, I can't see anything that could not be managed.

RusselB #199700 19/05/08 09:16 PM
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bcancer Offline OP
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Thats why am trying find something else because the address book cant take it :P

bcancer #199701 19/05/08 09:47 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Please be specific as to what you're trying that address book can't take. The more detailed you can be about the problem, the easier it is for us to find one or more workable solutions.

RusselB #199703 19/05/08 11:52 PM
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bcancer Offline OP
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I know that you have or want to promote the script and thats fine but the address book is just for basic and its not enought for what I need thats why am asking if someone has coded one if you dont have one or dont have time its fine also ill just wait and see thx bro.

Last edited by bcancer; 19/05/08 11:56 PM.
bcancer #199780 21/05/08 05:24 PM
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wow no one using this addon shocked

Last edited by bcancer; 21/05/08 05:25 PM.
bcancer #199793 21/05/08 11:28 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Probably due to the fact that the address book capabilities are extensive enough that no one has written something for what you're asking for. Additionally, you said that you would wait for someone to write something for this, and while I have some ideas, a couple of days isn't very long. I, again, have to wonder what there is in your request that the address book can't or doesn't handle.. this information would assist me in the specialized script you are asking for.

RusselB #199853 22/05/08 07:36 PM
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bcancer Offline OP
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I would like to set a diff color for each mode in my list above to show me when i either login or when the users login.
Here is an exemple of one that I found:

alias -l `b.i.f { if ($isfile($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"))) return $readini $+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,") $1 $2- }
alias -l `t.i.f { writeini $+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,") $$1- }
alias nlc { 
  .set %nlc.reg $`b.i.f(nicklist,reg)
  .set %nlc.voice $`b.i.f(nicklist,voice)
  .set %nlc.help $`b.i.f(nicklist,help)
  .set %nlc.op $`b.i.f(nicklist,op)
  .set %nlc.me $`b.i.f(nicklist,me)
  .set %nlc.notify $`b.i.f(nicklist,notify)
  .set %nlc.ignore $`b.i.f(nicklist,ignore)
  .set %nlc.mp3 $`b.i.f(nicklist,mp3)
  $iif(!$dialog(warna.nl),dialog -dmn warna.nl warna.nl) 
alias ncl.cl $iif(!$dialog(ncl.cl),dialog -dmn ncl.cl ncl.cl)
alias -l buat.war {
  set -u0 %i 1
  while (%i <= $chan(0)) {
    set -u0 %j 1
    while (%j <= $nick($chan(%i),0)) {
      if ($nick($chan(%i),%j) isreg $chan(%i)) { cline $`b.i.f(nicklist,reg) $chan(%i) $nick($chan(%i),%j)) }
      if ($nick($chan(%i),%j) isvo $chan(%i)) { cline $`b.i.f(nicklist,voice) $chan(%i) $nick($chan(%i),%j)) }
      if ($nick($chan(%i),%j) ishelp $chan(%i)) { cline $`b.i.f(nicklist,help) $chan(%i) $nick($chan(%i),%j)) }
      if ($nick($chan(%i),%j) isop $chan(%i)) { cline $`b.i.f(nicklist,op) $chan(%i) $nick($chan(%i),%j)) }
      if ($nick($chan(%i),%j) == $me) { cline $`b.i.f(nicklist,me) $chan(%i) $nick($chan(%i),%j)) }
      if ($nick($chan(%i),%j) isnotify) { cline $`b.i.f(nicklist,notify) $chan(%i) $nick($chan(%i),%j)) }
      if ($nick($chan(%i),%j) $+ !*@* isignore) { cline $`b.i.f(nicklist,ignore) $chan(%i) $nick($chan(%i),%j)) }
      inc %j
    inc %i
alias -l buang.war { 
  set -u0 %i 1
  while (%i <= $chan(0)) {
    set -u0 %j 1
    while (%j <= $nick($chan(%i),0)) { 
      if ($nick($chan(%i),%j) ison $chan(%i)) { cline 01 $chan(%i) $nick($chan(%i),%j)) }
      inc %j
    inc %i
dialog ncl.cl {
  title "Pick One"
  size -1 -1 166 46
  icon $scriptdiricons\nlc.ico
  icon 1, 3 3 20 20, " $+ $scriptdiricons\0.jpg $+ "
  icon 2, 23 3 20 20, " $+ $scriptdiricons\1.jpg $+ "
  icon 3, 43 3 20 20, " $+ $scriptdiricons\2.jpg $+ "
  icon 4, 63 3 20 20, " $+ $scriptdiricons\3.jpg $+ "
  icon 5, 83 3 20 20, " $+ $scriptdiricons\4.jpg $+ "
  icon 6, 103 3 20 20, " $+ $scriptdiricons\5.jpg $+ "
  icon 7, 123 3 20 20, " $+ $scriptdiricons\6.jpg $+ "
  icon 8, 143 3 20 20, " $+ $scriptdiricons\7.jpg $+ "
  icon 9, 3 23 20 20, " $+ $scriptdiricons\8.jpg $+ "
  icon 10, 23 23 20 20, " $+ $scriptdiricons\9.jpg $+ "
  icon 11, 43 23 20 20, " $+ $scriptdiricons\10.jpg $+ "
  icon 12, 63 23 20 20, " $+ $scriptdiricons\11.jpg $+ "
  icon 13, 83 23 20 20, " $+ $scriptdiricons\12.jpg $+ "
  icon 14, 103 23 20 20, " $+ $scriptdiricons\13.jpg $+ "
  icon 15, 123 23 20 20, " $+ $scriptdiricons\14.jpg $+ "
  icon 16, 143 23 20 20, " $+ $scriptdiricons\15.jpg $+ "
  button "ok", 200, 10 10 10 10, ok hide
dialog warna.nl {
  title "NickList Color"
  size -1 -1 92 130
  icon $scriptdiricons\nlc.ico
  option dbu
  button "Ok",1, 60 115 28 12,ok,default,flat
  check "Enable",17, 5 113 30 15
  text "Me",2, 5 7 40 12
  icon 70, 55 -28 55 75, " $+ $scriptdiricons\ $+ %nlc.me $+ .jpg $+ "
  text "Op",5, 5 20 40 12
  icon 71, 55 -14 55 75, " $+ $scriptdiricons\ $+ %nlc.op $+ .jpg $+ "
  text "Voice",9, 5 33 40 12
  icon 72, 55 -1 55 75, " $+ $scriptdiricons\ $+ %nlc.voice $+ .jpg $+ "
  text "Regular",11, 5 46 40 12
  icon 73, 55 12 55 75, " $+ $scriptdiricons\ $+ %nlc.reg $+ .jpg $+ "
  text "Notify" ,13, 5 59 40 12
  icon 74, 55 25 55 75, " $+ $scriptdiricons\ $+ %nlc.notify $+ .jpg $+ "
  text "Ignore" ,15, 5 72 40 12
  icon 75, 55 38 55 75, " $+ $scriptdiricons\ $+ %nlc.ignore $+ .jpg $+ "
  text "Helper",7, 5 85 40 12
  icon 76, 55 51 55 75, " $+ $scriptdiricons\ $+ %nlc.help $+ .jpg $+ "
  text "Ircops" ,18, 5 98 40 12
  icon 77, 55 64 55 75, " $+ $scriptdiricons\ $+ %nlc.mp3 $+ .jpg $+ "
on *:join:#:{ 
  if ($`b.i.f(nicklist,on) == on) {
    if ($nick == $me) { .timer -m 1 1 buat.war }
    else { 
      if ($nick isreg $chan) { cline $`b.i.f(nicklist,reg) $chan $nick }
      if ($nick isvo $chan) { cline $`b.i.f(nicklist,voice) $chan $nick }
      if ($nick ishelp $chan) { cline $`b.i.f(nicklist,help) $chan $nick }
      if ($nick isop $chan) { cline $`b.i.f(nicklist,op) $chan $nick }
      if ($nick == $me) { cline $`b.i.f(nicklist,me) $chan $nick }
      if ($nick isnotify) { cline $`b.i.f(nicklist,notify) $chan $nick }
      if ($nick $+ !*@* isignore) { cline $`b.i.f(nicklist,ignore) $chan $nick } 
CTCP *:MP3:*:{ cline $`b.i.f(nicklist,mp3) $chan $nick }
CTCP *:SLOTS:*:{ cline $`b.i.f(nicklist,mp3) $chan $nick }
on *:OP:#:{
  if ($`b.i.f(nicklist,on) == on) {
    if ($opnick == $me) { cline $`b.i.f(nicklist,me) $chan $opnick | halt }
    if ($opnick isnotify) { cline $`b.i.f(nicklist,notify) $chan $opnick | halt }
    if ($opnick $+ !*@* isignore) { cline $`b.i.f(nicklist,ignore) $chan $opnick | halt }
    cline $`b.i.f(nicklist,op) $chan $opnick 
on *:serverOP:#:{
  if ($`b.i.f(nicklist,on) == on) {
    if ($opnick == $me) { cline $`b.i.f(nicklist,me) $chan $opnick | halt }
    if ($opnick isnotify) { cline $`b.i.f(nicklist,notify) $chan $opnick | halt }
    if ($opnick $+ !*@* isignore) { cline $`b.i.f(nicklist,ignore) $chan $opnick | halt }
    cline $`b.i.f(nicklist,op) $chan $opnick 
on *:DEOP:#:{
  if ($`b.i.f(nicklist,on) == on) {
    if ($opnick == $me) { cline $`b.i.f(nicklist,me) $chan $opnick | halt }
    if ($opnick ishelp $chan) { cline $`b.i.f(nicklist,voice) $chan $opnick | halt }
    if ($opnick isvo $chan) { cline $`b.i.f(nicklist,voice) $chan $opnick | halt }
    if ($opnick isnotify) { cline $`b.i.f(nicklist,notify) $chan $opnick | halt }
    if ($opnick $+ !*@* isignore) { cline $`b.i.f(nicklist,ignore) $chan $opnick | halt }
    cline $`b.i.f(nicklist,reg) $chan $opnick 
on *:HELP:#:{
  if ($`b.i.f(nicklist,on) == on) {
    if ($hnick == $me) { cline $`b.i.f(nicklist,me) $chan $hnick | halt }
    if ($hnick isnotify) { cline $`b.i.f(nicklist,notify) $chan $hnick | halt }
    if ($hnick $+ !*@* isignore) { cline $`b.i.f(nicklist,ignore) $chan $hnick | halt }
    if ($hnick isop $chan) { cline $`b.i.f(nicklist,op) $chan $hnick | halt }
    cline $`b.i.f(nicklist,help) $chan $hnick 
on *:DEHELP:#:{
  if ($`b.i.f(nicklist,on) == on) {
    if ($hnick == $me) { cline $`b.i.f(nicklist,me) $chan $hnick | halt }
    if ($hnick isop $chan) { cline $`b.i.f(nicklist,op) $chan $hnick | halt }
    if ($hnick isnotify) { cline $`b.i.f(nicklist,notify) $chan $hnick | halt }
    if ($hnick $+ !*@* isignore) { cline $`b.i.f(nicklist,ignore) $chan $hnick | halt }
    if ($hnick isvo $chan) { cline $`b.i.f(nicklist,voice) $chan $hnick | halt }
    cline $`b.i.f(nicklist,reg) $chan $hnick 
on *:VOICE:#:{
  if ($`b.i.f(nicklist,on) == on) {
    if ($vnick == $me) { cline $`b.i.f(nicklist,me) $chan $vnick | halt }
    if ($vnick isnotify) { cline $`b.i.f(nicklist,notify) $chan $vnick | halt }
    if ($vnick $+ !*@* isignore) { cline $`b.i.f(nicklist,ignore) $chan $vnick | halt }
    if ($vnick isop $chan) { cline $`b.i.f(nicklist,op) $chan $vnick | halt }
    if ($vnick ishelp $chan) { cline $`b.i.f(nicklist,help) $chan $vnick | halt }
    cline $`b.i.f(nicklist,voice) $chan $vnick 
on *:DEVOICE:#:{
  if ($`b.i.f(nicklist,on) == on) {
    if ($vnick == $me) { cline $`b.i.f(nicklist,me) $chan $vnick | halt }
    if ($vnick isnotify) { cline $`b.i.f(nicklist,notify) $chan $vnick | halt }
    if ($vnick $+ !*@* isignore) { cline $`b.i.f(nicklist,ignore) $chan $vnick | halt }
    if ($vnick isop $chan) { cline $`b.i.f(nicklist,op) $chan $vnick | halt }
    if ($vnick ishelp $chan) { cline $`b.i.f(nicklist,help) $chan $vnick | halt }
    cline $`b.i.f(nicklist,reg) $chan $vnick 
on *:dialog:warna.nl:init:*:{ $iif($`b.i.f(nicklist,on) == on,did -c $dname 17) }
on *:dialog:warna.nl:close:*:{
  if ($`b.i.f(nicklist,on) == on) { buat.war }
  if ($`b.i.f(nicklist,on) == off) { buang.war }
  $iif($dialog(ncl.cl),dialog -x ncl.cl)
  unset %nlc.*
on *:dialog:warna.nl:sclick:*:{
  if ($did == 17) { $iif($`b.i.f(nicklist,on) == on,`t.i.f nicklist on off,`t.i.f nicklist on on) }
  if ($did == 70) { .set %nlc.temp me | .set %nlc.temp.id 70 | ncl.cl }
  if ($did == 71) { .set %nlc.temp op | .set %nlc.temp.id 71 | ncl.cl }
  if ($did == 72) { .set %nlc.temp voice | .set %nlc.temp.id 72 | ncl.cl }
  if ($did == 73) { .set %nlc.temp reg | .set %nlc.temp.id 73 | ncl.cl }
  if ($did == 74) { .set %nlc.temp notify | .set %nlc.temp.id 74 | ncl.cl }
  if ($did == 75) { .set %nlc.temp ignore | .set %nlc.temp.id 75 | ncl.cl }
  if ($did == 76) { .set %nlc.temp help | .set %nlc.temp.id 76 | ncl.cl }
  if ($did == 77) { .set %nlc.temp mp3 | .set %nlc.temp.id 77 | ncl.cl }

menu menubar,channel {
  Nicklist Colors
on *:dialog:ncl.cl:sclick:*:{
  if ($did == 1) { `t.i.f nicklist %nlc.temp 0 | did -g warna.nl %nlc.temp.id " $+ $scriptdiricons\0.jpg $+ " | dialog -x ncl.cl }
  if ($did == 2) { `t.i.f nicklist %nlc.temp 1 | did -g warna.nl %nlc.temp.id " $+ $scriptdiricons\1.jpg $+ " | dialog -x ncl.cl }
  if ($did == 3) { `t.i.f nicklist %nlc.temp 2 | did -g warna.nl %nlc.temp.id " $+ $scriptdiricons\2.jpg $+ " | dialog -x ncl.cl }
  if ($did == 4) { `t.i.f nicklist %nlc.temp 3 | did -g warna.nl %nlc.temp.id " $+ $scriptdiricons\3.jpg $+ " | dialog -x ncl.cl }
  if ($did == 5) { `t.i.f nicklist %nlc.temp 4 | did -g warna.nl %nlc.temp.id " $+ $scriptdiricons\4.jpg $+ " | dialog -x ncl.cl }
  if ($did == 6) { `t.i.f nicklist %nlc.temp 5 | did -g warna.nl %nlc.temp.id " $+ $scriptdiricons\5.jpg $+ " | dialog -x ncl.cl }
  if ($did == 7) { `t.i.f nicklist %nlc.temp 6 | did -g warna.nl %nlc.temp.id " $+ $scriptdiricons\6.jpg $+ " | dialog -x ncl.cl }
  if ($did == 8) { `t.i.f nicklist %nlc.temp 7 | did -g warna.nl %nlc.temp.id " $+ $scriptdiricons\7.jpg $+ " | dialog -x ncl.cl }
  if ($did == 9) { `t.i.f nicklist %nlc.temp 8 | did -g warna.nl %nlc.temp.id " $+ $scriptdiricons\8.jpg $+ " | dialog -x ncl.cl }
  if ($did == 10) { `t.i.f nicklist %nlc.temp 9 | did -g warna.nl %nlc.temp.id " $+ $scriptdiricons\9.jpg $+ " | dialog -x ncl.cl }
  if ($did == 11) { `t.i.f nicklist %nlc.temp 10 | did -g warna.nl %nlc.temp.id " $+ $scriptdiricons\10.jpg $+ " | dialog -x ncl.cl }
  if ($did == 12) { `t.i.f nicklist %nlc.temp 11 | did -g warna.nl %nlc.temp.id " $+ $scriptdiricons\11.jpg $+ " | dialog -x ncl.cl }
  if ($did == 13) { `t.i.f nicklist %nlc.temp 12 | did -g warna.nl %nlc.temp.id " $+ $scriptdiricons\12.jpg $+ " | dialog -x ncl.cl }
  if ($did == 14) { `t.i.f nicklist %nlc.temp 13 | did -g warna.nl %nlc.temp.id " $+ $scriptdiricons\13.jpg $+ " | dialog -x ncl.cl }
  if ($did == 15) { `t.i.f nicklist %nlc.temp 14 | did -g warna.nl %nlc.temp.id " $+ $scriptdiricons\14.jpg $+ " | dialog -x ncl.cl }
  if ($did == 16) { `t.i.f nicklist %nlc.temp 15 | did -g warna.nl %nlc.temp.id " $+ $scriptdiricons\15.jpg $+ " | dialog -x ncl.cl }


Last edited by bcancer; 22/05/08 07:38 PM.

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