Hrm, i think this calls for an example...
Let's pretend one wants to have a nickname completor and an acronym replacer loaded at the same time. Now let's suggest that they both use the on input event. Most of the times, this will cause conflicts if a line has a nickname in it, and an acronym of some sort (let's say 'wb'), however, if something like this was to be possible:
--- nc.mrc ---
on *:input: #: if ( $1 ison #) { tokenize 32 $1 $+ : $2- }
--- acro.mrc ---
on *:input: #: tokenize 32 $replace( $1-, wb, welcome back)
Can you see what's happening? The scripts do not send text to the server or anything, they merely alter the string of text that is being passed to the other events (of course this doesn't work atm - i presume). Naturally this should be made possible for other events too (like an on text event as the original author suggested)
It should also be a noted that an identifier like $rawinput might be necessairy to increase safety.
Moving on to the "i do understand what ur saying but obviously ur not scripting anything better than 10 yr old would do" then... Yes, it's quite possible that someone who scripts his own scripts can cope without this method quiete easily, in fact, it's being done all the time... rigth now. However, had you been around mIRC scripting channels as much as i have, you would have noticed that countless people come in and go like:
<guest666> :::Spola::: help, everything i type comes out twice!!! lol
<guest666> Spola help, everything i type comes out twice!!! Laughs Out Loud
It should be obvious to someone as experienced as yourself that what we are suggesting would eradicate all these problems (very easily).
If you had known what you were talking about, you probably would have kept your mouth shut