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#19930 18/04/03 03:15 PM
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Well, I've searched for a while and can't seem to find anything relating to this .. so here goes ...

Why can't DCC chat/get/send/fserve windows be renamed for a nick change .. like with query windows? If mIRC sees the changing of nick .. rename all DCC connections for oldnick to newnick on that server connection.

I know what some would think, "well .. if nick leaves the channel or quits, and somebody else takes that nick and joins a common channel, then changes his/her nick .. yadda yadda yadda" .. so what, the same can happen with queries.

If there is already a way to make this happen and I'm just not finding it, please let me know .. otherwise couldn't this be added in the next version?

#19931 18/04/03 03:35 PM
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Pikka bird
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There are actually lots of posts here about this, but I will explain anyway. It's because those windows are not connected to the network, they are Direct CLIENT to CLIENT (DCC, of course). mIRC doesn't know, when a DCC window is connected, what server it was initiated from, if you're still connected, etc. So mIRC uses the nickname the person was using when they first requested the connection with you. It doesn't matter what their nickname is now, because the connection is already established.

#19932 18/04/03 04:10 PM
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Well, I do know what DCC means, my point is .. if oldnick changes to newnick on CID 1 .. why can't mIRC change any/all DCC connections on CID 1 that are named oldnick, from oldnick to newnick.

This is how it happens with query windows. If I am chatting with my old buddy oldnick in query, but he is not on any common channels, and he changed his nick from oldnick to newnick ... the window name would not change, but instead, if he were to message me after changing to newnick .. a new query window would be opened because mIRC did not SEE the nick change.

All I'm saying is, if mIRC sees a nick change, and there are any DCC connections with oldnick on that connection, why can't it rename them to newnick?

#19933 18/04/03 11:29 PM
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Babel fish
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Nemo answered you.

#19934 18/04/03 11:56 PM
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Post deleted by RoCk

#19935 19/04/03 12:11 AM
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Hoopy frood
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if u feel the change is SO simple then get out UR source code to mirc and make it ...... ok with the wise a$$ comment aside ..... why is it everyone feels that their ideas are getting slammed when ppl tell them no??? the answer lies in the research they put into thier ideas ..... your ideas would get better view and less slams if u thought about what ur asking and proposing ....... not everyone feels the need to slamm ideas ..... but the fact they say this idea wouldnt help me ..... is just thier opinion ...... if u cannot take someone voicing their opinion then you shouldnt post yours ...... now as for the name calling ... again u will get no points for that either ... the ppl here VOLUNTEER thier time and offer any help they can ...... maybe its not always the right help u are seeking but it still is help ....... and telling someone that they know nothing when its clear that YOU don't know the answer as well will again get you NO points ..... and in my mind NO help from me ...... come back when u can grow up and act alil more mature please

#19936 19/04/03 12:15 AM
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Post deleted by RoCk

#19937 19/04/03 12:19 AM
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Hoopy frood
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yes again proving my point that ur a childish person incapable of understanding the concept of a help forum

#19938 21/04/03 02:52 PM
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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no offence to anyone but won't it be better if there were something to change the nick of DCC windows itself such as /nick -c newnick

AustNet #trenzterra and #w
Head Scripter @ http://trenzterra.uni.cc
#19939 25/04/03 12:49 AM
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Vogon poet
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this could have a practical purpose, such as if the connection fails, and you want to resend.

Situation: If the person was on a dialup connection, let's say. They start receiving the file, change their nick, get disconnected, then come back into the channel. The "resend" button will not work correctly, but it would if it had the new nickname.

Now, I realize that this doesn't serve too much of a practical purpose, and it won't be of much use most of the time, but if it is something that can be easily coded into mIRC, why not?

If it isn't something that can easily be added, screw it. Khaled should rather spend the time adding options with more usefulness to mIRC. smile

- Wherever you go there you are.[color:lightgreen]
#19940 26/04/03 10:31 PM
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True .. another thing is .. if you are talking to someone via dcc .. they change their nick to newnick .. it still appears as
<RoCk> so how are you
<oldnick> i'm pretty good

yadda yadda yadda .. you get the point

To just change any/all dcc windows named oldnick to newnick on cid just makes sense to me .. but only if mIRC sees the nick change .. just like with query windows .. if mIRC sees Brad change his nick to Brad-Away on scon 2 and there is an open query window on scon 2 named Brad ... it renames that query window to Brad-Away, if it doesn't see the nick change it does nothing as it doesn't even know it happened.

Just makes sense to me

#19941 26/04/03 11:36 PM
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Hoopy frood
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if your connecting thru dcc tho how does it know the nick has changed? unless your actually phsically seeing the person there is no signal of such

#19942 27/04/03 02:41 AM
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I have 3 DCC transfer windows open for Dave
* Dave is now known as Dave-brb
I now have 3 DCC windows open for Dave-brb instead of Dave

And if you wanted to do This.

#19943 27/04/03 03:24 AM
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Hoopy frood
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ok but the way DCC works it doesnt show a signal of the user changing its nick UNLESS u can physically see the nick change how does DCC know it changed?start ur dccs with this person leave the room they are in ... let them change thier nick ....... u dont see it change ..... there is no signal of a nick change ... because ur actually connecting to an IP not a nick.
same goes if u dcc chat to an ip it assigns a nick yes ... but if its changed it doesnt change in the DCC CHAT window

#19944 27/04/03 03:36 AM
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let them change thier nick ....... u dont see it change ..... there is no signal of a nick change ... because ur actually connecting to an IP not a nick

Trust me when I say, I do know how DCC works. If I am talking to Dave in query but he is not on a common channel .. the query window wouldn't get changed either .. instead .. if dave were to msg me after the nick change .. a new window would be opened, but the window still gets renamed IF mIRC sees the nick change .. why not do the same for DCC? If mIRC does not see the nick change, oh well, you don't see the updated nick .. but why not if mIRC sees the change?

same goes if u dcc chat to an ip it assigns a nick yes ... but if its changed it doesnt change in the DCC CHAT window

Exactly my point .. but if mIRC sees the nick change, it COULD do something about this .. like maybe rename DCC windows named OLDNICK to NEWNICK.

When your chatting in DCC:
<RoCk> y0 what's up
<_D3m0n_> nothing much bro .. u ?

When you see <RoCk>, mIRC is just using the window name for this, BUT, if I were to change to RoCk-brb, and mIRC sees this .. why not rename the DCC windows named RoCk to RoCk-brb ? Then you would see the updated nick .. eh ?

Edit: But also with DCC transfer windows .. not just chat.

Last edited by RoCk; 27/04/03 03:43 AM.
#19945 27/04/03 04:06 AM
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Hoopy frood
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ok look ur right no sense argueing with u ... u have a point yes i would agree but since u seem to know it all ill just leave it at this.

#19946 27/04/03 04:07 AM
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Hoopy frood
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only losers say that .. but thanks

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