R4nk3d is a scripting noob. :P
We run a gaming server. Basically everything that is said from inside the game is echoed into an IRC channel. The ingame players aren't actually in the channel - there's one bot that echos everything, e.g.:
(01:43) · [KUMB] · Aaron_butche(1) - Hi!
(01:43) · [KUMB] · Scion(4) - Hello

(01:43) · [KUMB] · Joe_Dean(3) - Welcome!!
The %nick var is used to extract the actual name from the (*) (this is the players ID ingame). We don't want to include their ID's, so the %nick var gets everything until it hits the first occurrence of '(', then stops there.
Now, if %nick is also inside the IRC channel and not just ingame, I want the script to allow use of the script by this user.
So if a player ingame types
!blah, the script must check to see if that name is also in the IRC channel (by using:
if (%nick ison $chan) {This isn't added into the script that R4nk3d linked, but the plan is to restrict the use of the script to voiced users. So:
if (%nick ison $chan) && (%nick isvoice $chan) {
But that's just the next step of the script - I need to know first how to use vars in an IF statement.