You could have a separate alias...
alias kbnick {
if (($me isop #) && ($1 ison #)) {
mode # +b $1 $+ !*@*
kick # $1-
And here's the nicklist menu item...
...warning: { say 4[12 $$* 4]1, 9,1your nick is inappropriate. Please change it by typing /nick newnick. }
...kick: { kick # $* Inappropriate nick. }
...kickban (IP): { ban -k # $* 2 Inappropriate nick. }
...kickban (nick): { kbnick $* Inappropriate nick. }~ Edit ~
You could just use mask type 9 with qwerty's code. No alias would be necessary and they could still rejoin the channel after changing their nick...
...warning: { say 4[12 $$* 4]1, 9,1your nick is inappropriate. Please change it by typing /nick newnick. }
...kick: { kick # $* Inappropriate nick. }
...kickban (IP): { ban -k # $* 2 Inappropriate nick. }
...kickban (nick): { ban -k # $* 9 Inappropriate nick. }