It`s correct.
dialog {
text "File size:", 1, 40 20 60 30
text "", 2, 72 20 50 30
this is just the relevant part of the dialog.
on *:sockread:download:{
if ($sockerr) {
echo -eat * Socket error: $sock(download).wserr $sock(download).wsmsg }
while (!$sock($sockname).mark) {
var %size
sockread %size
if (Content-Length: * iswm %size) {
set %file.size $gettok(%size,2,32)
did -a 2 %file.size
This is just the relevant part of the algorithm...
As you see there is n`t anything wrong... Al the other functions in the dialog work properly, just not the filesize returner...
This is the sockopen command:
on *:sockopen:download:{
sockwrite -n $sockname GET /knappen/ $+ %version $+ .exe
Does this have anything to do with it?