Ok i understand what you mean, i just made a 2 simple scripts for you.
on *:OPEN:?:*:{ .timer $+ $cid $+ $nick 1 480 msg $nick Hi $nick $+ , It looks like I haven't replied to you yet, I might be slightly busy or just away, Please continue to wait patiently for me to come back }
on *:INPUT:?:{ .timer $+ $cid $+ $active off }
This one basically, when they message it sends them
It looks like I haven't replied to you yet, I might be slightly busy or just away, Please continue to wait patiently for me to come back after 480 seconds.
The second script i have made for you is the script you requested
notice $nick I Have Been Notified That You Mentioned My Nick In $chan
msg YOURNICKNAMEHERE $nick has messaged you
basically when ever somebody says your nickname is any channel it tells them you have been notified of them trying to contact u. Then will send a message to yourself saying who has pmed you.
There is a way to make it better where it says YOURNICKHERE add your current nickname, if anybody could give me the command of the actual thing where if ur nick changes it will do it on the script something like $me. Anyway there you go.