Back in the 2.x and 3.x days, I used to be able to write awesome scripts, chaining extra remote files, etc, now that I've started re-using mIRC, I can't remember how to do some of the most simple things. Here's today's examples:
Firstly, Say I wanted to write a remote that would trigger anytime someone used the word 'why' and a question mark in the same line. For example:
'Why would someone do that?' would trigger it, but 'why isn't as important so much as what the hell they were thinking' would not.
on *:text:*why*:#:/msg $chan Because I said so.
That would trigger on both, I can't seem to remember to save my life how to set multiple requirement triggers like I need, not to mention whether or not I can even make a question mark a remote trigger.
Secondly, * is the universal access level for a remote script, but as in the example above, I cannot trigger my own scripts. Isn't there an access level setting that would allow me to trigger a script?