Note that you can also put the help text into a text file and then /play it to the user if you want. This allows you to have more control over slowing down the messages so you don't get flooded off the server for sending too many lines at once.
If you're doing different helps for ops/voices/etc, you could even set up "topics" in the text file and then /play the specific topic. For example, you might have a file called help.txt and inside, it would look like:
Help line 1 for ops
Help line 2 for ops
Help line 3 for ops
Help line 1 for voiced
Help line 2 for voiced
Help line 1 for regular
Help line 2 for regular
Then, your script might look like this:
on *:text:!help:#yourchannel: {
if ($nick isop $chan) { play -top $nick help.txt 1000 }
elseif ($nick isvo $chan) { play -tvoice $nick help.txt 1000 }
else { play -tregular $nick help.txt 1000 }
Remember to change the channel name here to match your channel.