also additional question
how to get lenghth and current position of the song ?
the script i have has this:
alias mp3long { return $asctime($calc($timezone + $int($1)),$2) }
alias mp3timer { var %variadomp3temp = $mp3long($1,H:nn:ss) | return $iif($left(%variadomp3temp,1) == 0,$gettok(%variadomp3temp,2-,58),%variadomp3temp) }
.did -ra dialog id $mp3timer($calc($insong.pos /1000)) of $mp3timer($calc($insong.length /1000))
but it doesnt work and code seems verry messy to me to understand :P
Wideopenspaces position and lenght are really easy
$insong.pos = the position of current file
$insong.length = The lenght of song.
Now the lenght is produced in a /ms rate i believe anyhoo to get the "time" actual from song you need to divide by 1000
$asctime($calc($insong.length / 1000),n:ss) changes 151751 to 2:31
$asctime($calc($insong.pos / 1000),n:ss) changes current pos from ms to time format.
Now of you want the ability to fastfordward your songs in increments do this...
alias forwards { splay seek $calc($insong.pos + $1) }
Syntax: /forwards Numeric Value of position you want to add
I started my song and im at position 20020 but I want to skip about 4 seconds or so I would maybe type /forwards 900
for the rest look im sure you can find out but if you need help im always lurking