You'd need to find some commonality in the nicks in order to create an automatic ban script for them. Whether it's in the nicks or idents or whatever... you need something or there's no way you can tell mIRC what to watch for.
You'd need to find some commonality in the nicks in order to create an automatic ban script for them. Whether it's in the nicks or idents or whatever... you need something or there's no way you can tell mIRC what to watch for.
There wont be any commonality in the nicks it is quite easy to make random nicks for example.
Would mean when you press f1 your nick would be changed to a 10 didgit sequence of capitals letters, small letters and numbers. So obvisoulsy this person is just using a simplified version of this with only letters.
This will only be available if the user is Registered now if the person in qieustion was registring 10+ nicks in 1 hour IRCOPS/ADMINS would find it suspicious. Just privmsg all your users on channels that you will make this channel registered nicks only. :P
if $reality > $fiction { set %sanity Sane }
Else { echo -a *voices* }
Your point? Obviously, someone can make random nicks that cannot be automatically banned. The point was just that... if you cannot find a similarity, then you can't make an automatic ban script for them. If you can find a similarity, then you can make an automatic ban script. Some spammers use nicks that are similar enough for such a script, others don't.