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#186423 22/09/07 02:59 PM
Joined: Sep 2007
Posts: 65
Babel fish
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Babel fish
Joined: Sep 2007
Posts: 65
So I finally made my own socket script. There's just one problem.

During the on SOCKREAD part it loops almost endlessly.

Here's the script:

alias gzpupdate {
sockopen gzpupdate gamerzplanet.net 80

on *:sockopen:gzpupdate: {
sockwrite -n $sockname GET /forums/staff/201457-gamerzplanet-channel-management-script.html HTTP/1.1
sockwrite -n $sockname Host: gamerzplanet.net $+ $crlf $+ $crlf

on *:sockread:gzpupdate: {
if ( $sockerr ) {
echo -a Error connecting to update page! Try again later or check your connection.
else {
var %gzpupdate
sockread %gzpupdate
if ( CurVer1.3 iswm %gzpupdate ) {
echo -a A new version is available! Download it at http://www.gamerzplanet.net/forums/staff/201457-gamerzplanet-channel-management-script.html ASAP!
else {
echo -a No new version of the script is available.
sockclose gzpupdate

The connection runs fine but I just don't get why it does these loops.

Edit: You might not be able to directly use the socket script since the area it connects to is restriced.

Thanks in advance.

Last edited by XTZGZoReX; 22/09/07 03:05 PM.

The Official GamerzPlanet WoW Server
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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If you check your brackets, you'll find the problem in the SOCKREAD event. Note that using the CODE tags instead of QUOTE tags will let you keep the spacing better.

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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First off, long time no see, you probably don't remember me but I tried teaching you the basics of sockets and such. Welcome to the boards. That aside, I haven't tested your script as you said it's restricted.

Looking through your code though, here in particular:

    if ( CurVer1.3 iswm %gzpupdate ) {
      echo -a A new version is available! Download it at http://www.gamerzplanet.net/forums/staff/201457-gamerzplanet-channel-management-script.html ASAP!
    else {
      echo -a No new version of the script is available.
      sockclose gzpupdate

You are missing a bracket inbetween the echo command and else statement.

As I said I can't test it but that may stop the continuous looping.

Edit: I should have read Riamus2's post carefully he mentioned about the brackets, I started reading from the code tags part I guess. Sorry Riamus2!

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