i have create a script mirc, and i have wrote this small alias:
alias startup {
window -adohfk0p +fL @StartupLogo $int($calc($window(-1).w /2+ $window(-1).x -165)) $int($calc($window(-1).h /2+ $window(-1).y -173)) 330 246
drawpic @StartupLogo 0 0 script\pics\ftscript.jpg
window -adohfk0p +fL @StartupInfo $int($calc($window(-1).w /2+ $window(-1).x -165)) $int($calc($window(-1).h /2+ $window(-1).y +90)) 330 50
drawtext @StartupInfo $color(normal) Tahoma 10 55 5 • Loading MyScript %version for the $ord(%stat.scriptstarts) time.
.timerstartup.close -io 1 5 startup.close
this function window don't work more on 6.21 version??
i have tryed with 6.17 to 6.20 .. it ever works well, but with 6.21 original no more!
there is a bug? a change of commands ? or flags ?
can u tell me ??