I know how to do on text events, but im trying to do one where i type !kick NICK and it will kick the user. the script that i have got is -----> on 1:TEXT:*!kick $nick*:#: /kick $chan $chan $nick <----- Yet i get nothing. I am assuming that its that /kick part that is wrong.
That's because you of your code. /kick $chan $chan $nick would translate to /kick #<NameOfChannel> #<NameOfChannel> Nick.
why not add a if ($2 == $me ) { return }
Well, what if another op wanted to kick him?
Anyways, DylanInfD, I'm going to lecture to you a bit.
Kick is always meant to best used via /kick or /k, and not !kick or !k. The reason being is that ! by default is outputted to the channel.
When I'm op in a channel and someone typed !kick Neal (my nick), and a bot would kick me, I wrote a script to handle that. And if I know the nick of the bot, I added that. That way, when someone typed !kick Neal, I kicked both him AND their bot. When someone typos !deop Neal, I deop them both (if I'm fast enough).
Now, if the user kicked be by using /kick or /k instead of !kick or !k, they would have kicked me, and I wouldn't have kicked them, which they would have been successful. It's to their disadvantage (and yours, if you follow that), to kick via !k*.
Of course, if you're going to whine to me you need other ops to get a bot or yourself to kick a user, they can have their /k alias. Or you can send it to /notice. Such as /notice Bot kick channel nick reason, (or /notice bot pass if they're not opped).
That will solve a lot of your problems.