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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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I know that i can hit Ctrl + k and make a color menu appear, as well as hit Ctrl + b, Ctrl + u and Ctrl + r to make it bold, or underline, or highlight in black respectively, but is there a script that allows me to do it automatically? I was thinking of an 'On input' script, but when i typed /help on input, i got very confused....i had no clue as to what to type, nor did i understand what the scripts were supposed to do....if someone could break the code down and explain it, that would help.....but i would like the script for doing this....ALL HELP IS GREATLY APPRECIATED! THANKS IN ADVANCE!
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Ctrl + r to make ... highlight in black...
It's reverse, ctrl+r reverses the normal text color and the background color of the window.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I was thinking of an 'On input' script, but when i typed /help on input, i got very confused....i had no clue as to what to type, nor did i understand what the scripts were supposed to do....if someone could break the code down and explain it, that would help on *:INPUT:#YOURCHANNEL:{
if ($left($1,1) == /) { return }
else {
if (lol isin $1-) { msg # $replace($1-,lol,Laughing Out Loud) | halt }
if (mIRC isin $1-) { msg # $replace($1-,mIRC,4M0irc) | halt }
} Here I gave you 2 examples of using an automatic bold and color method. The first if statement we have to make sure that if you input a / that it lets you excute any commands EX: /server irc.whatever.com etc... The else statement we have the code in question, here in this code when you type lol in a channel it will automatically fill in the lol with Laughing Out Loud where aughing ut oud will be bold and the LOL will not, I use the replace command $replace($1-,WORD,NEWWORD) method then we have to halt the original string to be shown so you do not talk double or see a echo version of your script. So in order to properly use this script and add your own words to be automatically colored and/or bold/underline you will need to add a new if statement within the else statement like above the process would be as follows... if (MYWORD isin $1-) { msg # $replace($1-,MYWORD,THE WAY I WANT IT TO SHOW) | halt } hope this helps
if $reality > $fiction { set %sanity Sane }
Else { echo -a *voices* }
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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if ($left($1,1) == /) { return }
if (/* iswm $1) { return }
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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Ok, i have a script that I can use, but I dont get why there is a space of nothing right before my words.... "<MyNick> There are spaces right before my text" "<MyNick> While normally, there is just one space w/o a script" The script that I am using is
on *:INPUT:*:{
if ($left($1,1) == /) { .disable #st | / $+ $1- | .timer 1 3 .enable #st | halt }
else say 4 $1- | halt
#st end
menu channel {
.Script Talker
..Enable: .enable #st
..Disable: .disable #st
If you can figure out why it is doing this, it would be greatly appreciated! THANKS!
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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Change to Also, I believe those 'halt's are completely unnecessary.
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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no, changing it from to just made it show the text $1- over and over again......any other suggestions?
Last edited by dylaninfd; 31/07/07 06:18 PM.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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My script that i have now put down is
on *:INPUT:*:{
if ($left($1,1) == /) { .disable #st | / $+ $1- | .timer 1 3 .enable #st | halt }
else say $+(4 ,$1) | halt
#st end
menu channel {
.Script Talker
..Enable: .enable #st
..Disable: .disable #st
But now, it only shows the first word....everything else gets deleted. On the plus side, there isnt a space! Anything else you can pull out of thin air?!
Last edited by dylaninfd; 31/07/07 06:49 PM.
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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WHOOPS, guess i forgot to put a - after a part! THANKS rock! U ROCK, lol. betcha get that a lot! thanks everyone for all the help and ideas!
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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You left out the - details, details  They'll drive you crazy.
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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Grr, once again, i have run into a problem (yeah, i know, who woulda thought!) My final script looks like this: on *:INPUT:*:{
if ($left($1,1) == /) { .disable #st | / $+ $1- | .timer 1 3 .enable #st | halt }
else say $+(4,$1-) | halt
#st end
menu channel {
.Script Talker
..Enable: .enable #st
..Disable: .disable #st
But when i try to put a highlight in, it messes everything up....it puts it back to regular, default black. I used this script to make the color and highlight appear: on *:INPUT:*:{
if ($left($1,1) == /) { .disable #st | / $+ $1- | .timer 1 3 .enable #st | halt }
else say $+(8,2,$1-) | halt
#st end
menu channel {
.Script Talker
..Enable: .enable #st
..Disable: .disable #st
Now, the text is all black, default. I am going to assume that the commas are confusing the script.....what is the way to fix THIS problem?! AGAIN: THANKS AND YOU HAVE ALL BEEN SO MUCH HELP!
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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oops indeed. I pasted without paying attention  should have been that's Control+K, ZERO Digit You need to zero-pad the single-digit color codes To get the comma for the second color code, use $chr(44) So for try else say $+(08,$chr(44),02,$1-) A guess, really.
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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That fixed everything. now, my only problem is, when i type numbers, the first number gets deleted and its default black again. I don't know whats causing this and its a minor problem. It only happens if i start the text with a number....if it starts with anything else it is fine....a fix would be great....my script is now:
on *:INPUT:*:{
if ($left($1,1) == /) { .disable #st | / $+ $1- | .timer 1 3 .enable #st | halt }
else say $+(08,$chr(44),02,$1-)
and everything works but that one problem....well, hope you geniuses can figure it out, cuz this moron cant!
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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That code works here. I guess all your formatting needs to include the second color parameter, to allow you to type numerals at the beginning. So would need to be else say $+(04,$chr(44),00,$1-) 00 being white. Obviously you'd use the code for your normal bkgnd color
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Mostly harmless
Mostly harmless
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#st on
on *:INPUT:*:{
if ($left($1,1) == /) { .disable #st | / $+ $1- | .timer 1 3 .enable #st | halt }
else say $+(4,$1-) | halt
#st end
menu channel {
Script Talker
.Enable: .enable #st
.Disable: .disable #st
} before can not enable , now it's on / off code..